Truckstops, Part I

The Truckstop, Intro
A few years ago my wife and I were talking about our sexual fantasies and she mentioned that she wanted us to have sex in public. I’m crazy about my wife and would do anything for her, so the fact that exhibitionism had never excited me didn’t matter – I made up my mind right then and there to do everything I could do to help her fulfill her fantasy. I asked her to tell me more about what she wanted and she explained that she didn’t actually want to be caught or watched, but liked the thrill of the chance of being discovered.
We started slowly, we made love in a tent in our back yard once, late at night. Then we made love in her car while parked in the woods and we almost did get caught when another car pulled in the same old abaondoned two-track. The driver obviously saw our car, but I don’t think whoever it was actually saw us in the back seat.
But neither of these had really done much for her, so I decided to try again about a month ago. We occasionally play little games with each other to build the sexual tension, we may send each other naked pictures from our phones or send sexual text messages to each other during the day. Sometimes we will make a “date” for a few days or a week later with the stipulation that we can’t have any sexual contact until then. So my plan included a bit of that, some toys and a printed picture of her smokin’ hot ass. We have a large collection of “action shots” that we’ve taken of each other over the past couple of years and my plan included my all-time favorite picture of her on all fours. I told her part of the plan beforehand, that we were going to have a nice dinner and then have sex in my truck in the parking lot of the local mall. But there were big parts of the plan that she knew nothing about.
The day of our date, we sexted all afternoon and by 5PM, we were both really turned on. It’s kind of amazing we didn’t just fuck when I got home and be done with it. But we stayed strong, I was even able to resist when I saw that she had on a short skirt. I knew it was worth waiting though. One thing I hadn’t told her was that she was going to “wear” a remote-control egg vibrator in her pussy. I wasn’t sure how she would react to that, but when I told her and handed it to her, she smiled and said “Give me a minute.” When she came back downstairs, we walked out to the truck and as she was climbing in, I hit the “on” button of the remote that I had in my pocket. She almost fell out of the open door of the truck, I promised her I wouldn’t tease her again until later. I only gave her a few short shots on the way to the restaurant, but once we were seated and the waiter was taking our order, I really did give her a chance to concentrate on the meal. Next time we play this game, I may not be so accomodating.
We took our time and enjoyed our meal, she had several margaritas, I had two glasses of wine. It had just begun to get dark out as we got up to leave. She said she needed the bathroom and I said I’d wait for her at the table, but as she walked off, I again hit the “on” button on the remote. I am the only person who noticed the slight hitch in her step as the vibrator woke up in her pussy. When she walked back to the table a few minutes later, I could see “the look” in her eyes and I knew that she was fully aroused and ready to play.
As we walked to the truck, we stopped several times for PDA’s. My dick was rock-hard and I know her pussy was wet and ready, she gets wetter than any woman I’ve ever known. I also knew there was zero chance of the vibrator falling out of her pussy. We’ve used that vibrator many times and it is a real chore to ge the thing out when we’re done. Her pussy is amazingly tight, sometimes the head of my cock makes an audible “pop” when I put it in her. So no worries of her losing her little friend.
We got in the truck and I began to slowly drive around the mall, which was closing, looking for the perfect spot – not too secluded, somewhere with cars driving past but not too close that anyone could see us in the truck. I finally found a spot under some trees along an access road at the rear of the mall. There was another car parked maybe 75 feet away. Cars would occasionally pass us. At first we were both nervous, but we soon got used to it.
I had her get down on the floor of the front seat and I pulled down my pants, it was obvious what I wanted and she enthusiastically went along. My wife gives incredible head, she really enjoys it and knows what she is doing. I have never been crazy about blowjobs, the women I’ve been with in the past sucked at it, no pun intended. They didn’t really like it and it was obvious. But my wife loves cock and can’t get enough. Sometimes I can kind of lose control, the first time it happened I was afraid she would be mad at me afterwards, but just the opposite, she loved it and still says that is one of her favorite sexual memories, me humping her face as hard as I could and cumming down her throat, my cock jammed all the way in her mouth. So I thought I would give her another memory tonight, parked in public, with cars driving past and her on the floor of my truck, sucking my cock. Oh, and the vibrator in her pussy turned all the way to “High”.
Watching her head bobbing up and down on my shaft, in the dark, with the lights of the passing cars occasionally illuminating her, was really, really hot. I reached under my seat and pulled out the picture of her I had printed out. She looked up to see what I was doing, I showed it to her and said, “I wanted to be able to look at your pussy while you suck on my cock.” I knew she liked that, because she began sucking harder and going faster. It wasn’t long before I came, I pushed her head down all the way onto my cock, pushing it all the way down her throat, just the way she likes it.
After I recovered, I told her to get back in the seat, that now it was her turn. I handed her the picture, laid her seat back and pulled up her skirt. I had her put her feet on the seat and pulled her underwear off, then dived into her hot, wet pussy. I had shaved her just the weekend before, so it was still pretty smooth. I could feel the vibrator in her and could tell she was not too far from an orgasm already. I loved that she was looking at her own picture and loved that she was now sitting up and could see the cars as they drove past us. It wasn’t long before she came the first time, but I didn’t stop licking her. Her second orgasm left her shuddering and shaking. I reached down and into the pocket of my jeans and turned off the vibrator. I kept licking her slit softly, I love her taste and can’t get enough.
I gave her a few minutes to recover, then helped her sit back up and pulled her skirt down. No underwear though and I didn’t pull out the vibrator, although I left it off. We sat and kissed for a while, then just before we were ready to pull out and head for home, I took the picture, opened my door and dropped it on the floor. “What are you doing?” she yelped. I just smiled and put the truck into reverse and began to back up. Part of my plan to was to leave the picture there, then write a short story about who might find it and what they might do with it. But she yelled “Stop! No! You can’t leave it there, get it!” She wasn’t angry, just surprised and a bit shocked. I wasn’t thinking straight myself, so I did as she asked.
As we drove home, I told her what my plan had been and we talked about what might have happened if we had left it there. I could tell she actually liked the thought of a man finding it and jerking off to it and I was pissed at myself for chickening out. I began to formulate yet another plan.
So later that weekend, I printed out a smaller copy of the picture on photo paper and put it in my jacket pocket. Monday morning, I wore that jacket to work and at lunch time, I drove to a nearby truck stop and went in. I went into the bathroom and stuck the picture under the edge of the toilet paper holder on the wall of the stall. Then I hightailed it back to work and wrote her a story about a truck drive who found a picture of a naked woman at a truck stop. I’ll post that story here next, as Part II.

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2016-10-18 17:04:54
truchs are still not my hing

anonymous readerReport

2012-09-13 12:06:50
my buddy drives trk,he told my wife that she could suck his dick thru a glory hole at a certain trk stop, she agree,we went there he stuck his cock thru the hole. i suck him off while my wife watch. after we talk later he said she was the best bj he ever got. i just smiled

anonymous readerReport

2012-02-11 18:19:36
16PNhV A unique note..!