The Witch’s Apprentice Arc 2

This is the sequel to The Witch’s Apprentice Arc 1, which I highly recommend you read first.
In these 7, meaty chapters, the magic gets cooler, and the sex gets hotter. Tensions rise and fall with a new, audacious protagonist, and one of our cast of heroes falls into deep, deep peril.

The Witch’s Apprentice

A Work of Erotic Fantasy

Arc 2: Catharsis

Chapter 6

Sam watched her apprenticeship brother lose his virginity from outside the ring of candles. Latin vibrated through her throat in rounds. Once she’d said the words along with Betsy enough for them to become second nature, her mind began to go to other places. First there was fear. Betsy had told her stories of what happened to young Witches and Warlocks captured by the Hunters. It wasn’t pretty.

She looked over at her mistress’ face and saw her passionately chanting with eyes locked on Brian’s thrusting form. Her perfect teeth flashed in the candlelight as she opened her mouth wide to give the incantation everything she had. The power channeling through her felt centered in her loins. It tingled as it passed her crotch, then her boobs, then coursed out of her fingers. Sam couldn’t help but get horny as the fog of sexual energy filled the room.

What were they even doing? Betsy hadn’t had time to explain the spell, just that it would save them from the Hunters, and that Brian and his pet dork would be the key. Brian. She knew that he was their mistress’ favorite now. It was petty, but she got jealous every time Betsy doted on him. She still remembered being taken in by the powerful older woman a year ago. She still remembered some of their intense first lessons. She didn’t know where she’d be without her guidance. There sure as hell wasn’t a female to look up to back at home.

A few days ago, she’d come in for a lesson and found that there was another object of Betsy’s affections. One who seemed to be just so much better at the magic stuff. What made it all worse was that she was starting to think Brian was cute. I mean just watching him fuck his little friend on the mattress, maybe it wasn’t just the magic that was turning her on.

He had an innocent, boy-next-door appeal. But with something deeper and seductive too. Plus, she’d never seen a Warlock before. Betsy was planning on taking her to Witchtown next week, the Magi mecca, but who knows what would happen with this Hunter mess.

Brian suddenly reared back. She had a side view of his extended cock as it spurted crazy amounts of cum. It stuck out perpendicular to his torso like a pencil at the tip of the fingers, dragged down a few degrees by its own weight. It jolted a bit with each release of pearly liquid. It really was a spectacle. The enhanced vaginal control that Witches gained on awakening just wasn’t as fun to watch.

She imagined standing underneath that giant thing with her mouth opened wide. Getting drenched in his load and licking it up. Tasting him. Then she’d push him down on the mattress and show him who the star student was. Show him the difference a whole year of apprenticeship made. She’d make him beg.

Betsy signaled to end the chanting and Sam’s focus was drawn from her fantasy and towards the other end of the circle. The massive amounts of Lust energy generated from the deflowering was coalescing in a single point. A glowing red and purple slit formed in the open air. It looked very reminiscent of a puss, she thought. Then the thing emerged.

It had unblemished, dark purple skin that lightened up on the softer parts of its body. It was humanoid, but with a few extra appendages. Bat-like wings folded tightly against it’s back, and a long prehensile tail whipped the air behind it. Two short horns curled out of its forehead in little dark twists. It was completely naked, and didn’t seem to be quite male or female. Lithe was the word she would have used for its body. Feminine curves but also lean, defined muscle corded around long limbs.

It had breasts, probably C sized, and also a small, uncircumcised dick hanging in between its legs. But it didn’t have a sack. Instead, there seemed to be the telltale twin dunes of a Woman’s sex beneath. It was as if it’s clit had been exchanged for a cock. It had no body hair, and it’s nipples and genitalia were a much lighter shade of purple than the rest, almost pink.

Betsy greeted the creature from the realm of Lust. It responded with an unearthly, crackling voice that was as androgynous as its body. As it spoke she could see two rounded fangs among an otherwise very human smile. It had high cheekbones and pointed features that seemed, like everything else, otherworldly and beyond gender. It was pretty, in an almost unnerving way. It’s eyes had irises to match it’s skin, and even seemed to glow.

“Wonderful to be here,” it was saying.

“How long do we have?” Betsy asked. The creature turned to her and stretched out its arms like it’d just woken from a very long nap. Sam saw that its tail was anchored to the spot at the top of the cleft of its ass cheeks. It had a butt like a woman who did a lot of squats. Pretty hot, she had to admit.

“Hmmm feels like a whole three days. That was quite something you fed me,” it crooned. The creature seemed to have a permanent grin on its face.

“Three days! Fantastic, we can get so much done.” Betsy’s big boobs jiggled as she bounced on her feet a little. Man, she’d always been jealous of those things. She noticed that Brian and Abby were staring from the mattress. They were propped up off their backs with their elbows, side by side. Abby looked especially freaked. “These are my apprentices by the way, well, the girl on the mattress was just an offering.” Brian put his arm around Abby protectively.

“Hello humans. I am Mara.” When the creature looked at Sam she felt like it was reaching out and touching her bare body. A forked tongue flicked out of its mouth for a microsecond. “Can I have this one?”

For once Sam didn’t have a snappy comeback. This thing wanted her? Betsy hurriedly crossed the circle to her side and whispered into her ear. “Sam, sex with a creature of Lust is a rare privilege for the Magi. They serve us, but we can only command them to seduce our enemies. They will only ever make love to us by choice.”

“Uh ok but what’s that thing gonna do to me?”

“Nothing you won’t like, trust me. Their magic interacts with Magi in… interesting ways.” The Demon was now eyeing Brian and Abby, who were cowering in a huddle on the mattress.

Fuck it. She wasn’t one to turn down a new experience. It was her turn to have some fun. “Alright purple people eater, I accept.” Betsy nodded at the creature, then she got out of the way.

It was on her faster than she could believe. Almost like it’d teleported. Inches in front of her, its wings expanded and arched around their bodies. It gave her the impression that the world had just turned dark. Strong limbs gripped her and picked her up effortlessly, it carried her over to the mattress. She was squished against the Demon’s surprising warmth in a tight fireman’s carry. It dropped her to the damp fabric. Brian and Abby were nowhere to be seen, Betsy must have led them from the room. They’d sure left some fluids behind though.

Speaking of, the lingering effects of the summoning ritual, and now the manhandling, left Sam wet. She felt her pussy getting even slicker as the beast leaned over her. It’s quaint sausage was expanding, rapidly. As it grew she noticed that the slit beneath its dick was absolutely dripping. Girl juice was falling onto her legs. She reached down and played with her own pussy. Her thumb circled over her clit while her other fingers played with her girl lips. She felt her metal piercing in between two fingers.

Heat expanded from her hooded nub as she touched herself. She wondered if the creature noticed her nails, coincidentally painted with little horned devil faces. In seconds, there was a virtual horse cock above her. The little member had turned into a purple, veiny, monstrosity. “Holy shit,” she mouthed.

The creature reached down and pinched each of her brown nipples. Electric rippled out from the contact. It was using magic on her. Her hands went up to cover her tits and squeeze tight to chase the pleasure. The Demon used the opportunity to drop to its haunches, grab her arms, and press them above her head. It beared down on her with its cock in position. Its tits hung above with big, swollen tips as it entered her without hesitation. Its incredibly long tongue lolled out of its mouth and wrapped itself around one of its hard nipples.

Sam’s walls stretched to accommodate the girth of the purple rod. She gasped deeply as Mara penetrated her up to the base with one violent thrust. Her Witch’s pussy could expand to take it all. The creature pulled one of her hands down and smashed it against the dripping lips beneath its buried thickness, pulling her upper body towards it in the process.

She obeyed. She began to finger it just beneath it’s cock as it fucked her closely. Its body felt warm and strong, and tingly, almost like an electric current was running underneath its skin. It kept most of its length inside as it retreated two or three inches and slammed back forwards. It’s arms held her up and kept her from falling backwards. Sam felt her fingers being pulled into the creatures body as she felt the deepest parts of herself being reached. She closed her eyes and orange heat radiated throughout her around the hot, alien, manhood.

She felt something snake around her back and touch her lips. She opened her eyes to see Mara’s broad tail tightly wrapped above her hips like a belt, the end of it reaching up to her mouth. It forced itself inside and began to fuck her throat. She screamed and gagged around the tail. She felt overwhelmed. This being was relentlessly invading her body.

Her green hair was plastered onto her sticky, sweaty face. Her makeup was probably running. She was caught in a tight whirlwind of penetration. She heard muffled moans and swiveled her watering eyes to see Betsy on the floor to her left. She was watching with her legs spread wide and three fingers deep in her pussy, jackhammering herself with one hand and shoving fingers down her throat with the other.

Suddenly, the world spun. Her face was in the mattress. She realized that the creature had flipped her with one powerful movement of its tail, spinning her around its impaled dick like a spitroast and exposing her thick ass. She was on all fours now. Her wet hand had been pulled from its slit. It put a palm on each of her fat, full cheeks, gripped hard, and began thrusting with its entire length.

It was fucking Sam like an animal. With every unbridled thrust she heard a damp smack and felt her ass shake. Its tongue slithered down and circled her asshole. She felt wetness prodding around her rim. It began to wiggle its way in, completing the trifecta of spoiled orifices. She moaned and blubbered as much as she could around the tail. She felt hot, primitive desire exploding within her from every angle. Her body was being mercilessly used to the fullest extent. Mara’s strong and graceful frame was devastating her. Dark magic coursed through her veins and enhanced everything. A supernatural orgasm approached in the distance like the wave of a tsunami.

A spark of fear raced through her mind. Could she handle what was coming? Could she process it without going insane? It was too late to go back. All her muscles tightened and released in an unfathomable climax. “OOOUUUUUGH,” a deep and primal sound escaped from her. She jerked under the creature’s clutches. Hot ecstasy racked every cell of her body. But the orgasm didn’t end. It was just starting.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her body was entirely out of her control. She wasn’t on a mattress anymore. She was floating in a vast ocean of color and sensation. She was in the world of the creature. In the realm of Lust. Entire lifetimes of raw bliss consumed her perception. Each part of her was a different dimension of pleasure. Her breasts were tropical volcanoes of velvet, coated in longing wildlife. Her mouth, a cool bathing lake for unsatiated spirits. Her pussy, the deep cave that an ambitious subterranean civilization filled, and fucked, and prospered in. She was an undulating universe.

Eons later, she came back down to Earth. She didn’t know what was real or fake as Mara withdrew from her. For 10 minutes, she couldn’t even remember her name.

Chapter 7

Mom was crying over the phone again. “Please, just listen Mom. He was never fucking there. Never. I don’t even call him… you know… Dad. I’m not gonna start treating him like that just cause he cleaned up his act. Ok?”

She responded in her thick Portuguese accent. “Honey,” she said with tears on her voice, “I just want us to be family. Come home for the weekend. We can,” she paused to take a shaky breath, “He wants to be there for you now.”

Sam couldn’t help it, she shouted, “Yeah? Well it’s a few years too fucking late.” She hung up with a forceful press of her finger against the touch screen. Fuck. She loved her Mom, and she hated putting her through calls like that. But they were never on the same wavelength.

Her Mom had grown up in South America, she’d grown up in America, Sam hadn’t quite inherited the culture, and it formed a wall in between them. How could her mom not see that she was never going to sit around the dinner table all perfect nuclear family style with… him.

Her black jacket was not as warm as she thought it was. She let her sleeves fall past her hands and grabbed them shut from the inside to shield her fingers from the cold. She looked down at the fishnet leggings beneath her maroon skirt as she walked. Not the smartest clothing for the weather. At least she looked great.

She chewed some bubblegum she’d popped in earlier and wondered where Mara was at the moment. After it’d left her blissed out on the floor last night Betsy had commanded it to find the Hunters. She figured it was darting around the city in pursuit of them, completely invisible to the eyes of the mundane. For some reason, she couldn’t get it entirely out of her head. Whatever she’d felt in the heights of ecstasy with that thing wrapped around her, some of it had stayed with her. It was like a tiny buzzing bee in the back of her head somewhere, reminding her what Mara’s energy felt like.

She pulled her spellbook out of her bag and flipped open page one. She wanted to double check. “Preternatural Magnitude: 4.” Yep, just fucking that thing had made her almost twice as strong of a Witch. She shuddered at the memory of the orgasm, or maybe it was just the cold. She could be pretty dominant. So much so that guys were intimidated. She loved being used too, but only if she was in control. That thing had had all the control, and she’d given it freely. It’s ethereal limbs haunted her thoughts. She needed to distract herself, big time.


She ignored the stares. They were nothing to her anymore. A long time ago, they were like prodding fingers on her brain, forcing her to become self conscious. Now she reveled in them, loved being the girl that turned heads. Today she was wearing bright pink lipstick to contrast her hair, which she’d styled to fall across her eyes.

All the boys looked up to take in her striking style, then ogled her ass as she walked past them. It must have looked especially good in the skirt, which had black-laced slits in the sides. All the girls stuck their noses up with looks of either judgement or jealousy. “Wow, talk about attention whore,” went their imaginary, nasally voices in her head. Fuck em.

She looked pretty at home on a college campus, funny considering she’d barely finished high school. When they’d shown up for Brian’s first lesson she’d had to feign unfamiliarity with the place. Betsy would not approve of these types of excursions. Too revealing of their powers, yada yada. She scouted the main welcome hall for what she wanted. It was swarming with students in a mid-afternoon rush. Aha, she found one on the second floor. A men’s restroom with just the right amount of foot traffic.

She looked both ways and slipped inside, skipping behind a few boys at urinals and making it into the farthest stall without being seen. Her heart was beating fast. An adrenaline rush like this would cleanse away the stuff she didn’t want in her head. She pulled out her spellbook, aware that anyone looking beneath her stall would see some very feminine boots. She carefully set it on the toilet and began to undress. All her clothes went into her bag, excluding the boots.

First, she spoke an incantation that would protect against stds and pregnancy for 24 hours. Pretty standard fare Betsy had taught her ages ago. Then she got creative. “Donec tempus in materia,” she whispered. She let the magic spring from her fingers. A sparkling blue energy cloud passed over her body and she immediately felt herself sinking through her boots and into the floor. She only had to will her feet to become solid to get her footing back. The spell made her selectively ghostlike, able to phase through matter where she wanted, and be solid where she wanted. It didn’t include clothes, and lasted for two hours.

On her other bathroom adventures, the magic had stopped here, but with her recent growth she could finally implement her last idea. She flipped through her spellbook until she saw a flash of scrawled ink. She’d found the spell in an old volume at Betsy’s place one lazy summer afternoon and quickly scribbled it down. “Petulans corpore separata.” She uttered it in anticipation.

A strong magical pull drew energy to her hands before she stretched her fingers and let it fly. Her knees weakened at the release. Green and purple circles of energy made a miniature tornado around her body and then constricted until they went into her. It tickled, and she coughed into her elbow to replace a laugh. Wow, that had taken a lot out of her. She felt depleted. Luckily, she was about to top right back up on Lust energy.

She turned her head and peeked down over her shoulder. She saw two hearty, pale hills with a valley in the middle. Maybe it was embarrassing, but the sight of her own ass always turned her on. She was fully aware of how nice it was. She dug her fingers into one of her own cheeks and relished the feeling of her thick, soft behind. Now, to see if the second spell had worked. In her mind’s eye she pictured her torso separating from her hips, and it began to become reality. Her upper body slid right off her lower body at the waistline. She was now floating in the air as a head, torso and arms, looking down at her still standing legs and ass. It was an incredibly weird feeling.

She’d chosen the handicap stall on the far side of the bathroom for a reason. Its left wall was a plastic divider, but the right was white brick. It was also nice and roomy. Still in control of her legs, and still with the ghost ability, she walked her lower half up to the brick wall and bent forwards at the hips until she was nicely presenting herself. She phased her severed waist into the wall up to the navel. It now looked like a naked woman had been bending over to pick something up, and then was teleported into a wall, with her upper body trapped on the other side.

She paused for a moment to admire the view. For the first time she was seeing her own ass from the angle somebody fucking her doggystyle would see it from. It looked delicious. Her legs were spread enough that her brown asshole was on display. The perpendicular lines circling it gave it a starfish-like appearance. Her pussy glistened beneath and formed a lowercase “i” with her butt hole as the dot. This was all nestled between two huge, perfect cheeks. Her inner pussy lips dangled just a little from her undercarriage, along with the shiny silver ring pierced through them.

She couldn’t help it, she floated her face up to the enticing, heart-shaped display and shoved it right into her crack. She licked her starfish. She tasted herself while at the same time feeling her tongue rimming around her hole. She heard someone turn on the faucet right outside her stall. It shook her out of the frenzy. It was amazing, but not what she’d come here to do. She could explore herself with this new spell later. It was time to finish the setup. She floated back and smiled at the pink she’d left behind. A lipstick kiss print around her asshole.

All that was left was the note. She pulled it out of her bag and taped it up on the wall right above her bottom. “FREE USE (But only if you can keep a secret. Shh!).” She threw her spellbook in her bag, and the bag behind the toilet where nobody would mind it. Then she unlocked the door and made sure it was cracked open enough that the stall seemed free. Finally, she floated up and into the ceiling, using her temporary ghost abilities to phase entirely into it except for her face. If somebody looked up they’d get a surprise, but she knew they’d be far too distracted for that.

She’d done all this all once before, but this time she could watch. She played with her tits in the ceiling for about a minute before the first one came in. He was the varsity type. Jacked and in a sports jacket, with a shock of red hair in a trendy undercut. The look on his face was priceless. He squinted a little to read the sign, and tentatively walked forwards. He looked all around the stall with a perplexed face, particularly inspecting the seam between her body and the wall. Yeah, most of them started out this way. But then she’d activate Siren’s Call.

As soon as the magic kicked in he seemed to make up his mind. He locked the stall and dropped his pants. He had a chode, short, but very thick. He tucked it in between hairy legs as he took a seat on the toilet and did the business he’d come to do. His eyes never left the waiting ass on his right. Sam was soaked from anticipation by the time he finished. He took one last look around, then guided his engorged chode into her cunt. Finally. He rocked back and forth on his toes, silently fucking her. His hands firmly grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling and squeezing them.

“Mmm, use me as your cum dumpster big boy,” she whispered too quietly to be heard. Her pussy gripped his girth as he fucked it. He was really slamming her now, his wide dick disappeared into her slit with every hump. It was hardly 90 seconds before his ass clenched, his eyes closed, and he released a load inside of her. She felt the warm fluid hit the walls of her pussy. His eyes opened wide in panic as soon as he was done, like he’d meant to pull out. Too late buddy. The buzzing energy around his body had been neatly siphoned off and into her own aura. She was already feeling better. The guy zipped up his pants and skedaddled. She was sure he’d remember this for the rest of his life.

The next one was a nerd with black, rectangular glasses. He had long hair and spots of acne across his face. She was pleasantly surprised when he pulled down his pants to reveal a nice, long, uncircumcised cock. He wasted no time in using her services. He wildly rammed her from behind and pinched at her ass. She silently swam through the ceiling and down through the wall until her face was in between his feet. She looked up and saw his hanging balls slap against her body with every thrust. Strings of cum and her own juices dribbled down from her puss. He grunted loudly enough that she was afraid someone would discover them. He squeezed her ass hard enough for it to hurt. She appreciated his abuse both physically and visually. It took him a few minutes before he cummed in her and sheepishly escaped the stall. Semen was beginning to leak back out of her and down her taint as she moved back to her spot in the ceiling.

An obese Hispanic kid came in. Sam was no less excited. She wanted every goddamned greasy, horned-up student in the building to have their way with her. The kid looked like he’d won the lottery, and did his best to fuck her with a small dick with brown pubes. He almost made her blow her cover when he stuck his thumb in her asshole. She caught her yelp in her throat and enjoyed the feeling of being plugged up. Both her holes were burning with sensation. As he finished, he managed to pull out and spray all over her legs. She was starting to look really messy, just how she liked it. Red marks marred her creamy, smooth ass and cum was everywhere, dripping from her pussy to the floor.

The tall Asian kid who came in next didn’t even bother with her used womanhood. He went right for her ass. Her legs twitched as he jammed himself inside her and rode her with hands on the wall, using her like the fuck toy she was. He felt huge in her tiny hole. She relished the pleasurable pain that her lower body sent to her. She wondered if her lipstick was rubbing off on his dick. Eventually, he released a hot load with a final, aggressive thrust. He was buried to the hilt. When he unsheathed, cum leaked out of both her holes. She felt it running down her inner thighs. He slapped her ass hard before leaving the stall.

She let two more random boys pillage her before the position of her lower body became too uncomfortable. She locked the door and reattached her legs. She breathed hard on the toilet for a few minutes before she pulled her skirt over the mess, got fully dressed, and waltzed out of the busy building like nothing had happened.


Betsy sent out an alert the morning of the next day. It woke Sam out of a great deep sleep, and put her in a deeply bad mood. She had been dreaming that she was flying. How jarring to wake up in her lonely, basement-level apartment. She lethargically dressed, scarfed some cereal, fed her cat, jostled open the door in a particular way that circumvented its tendency to stick, then walked the few blocks to Betsy’s.

Now herself, Brian, and for some reason, Brian’s little girlfriend, were all gathered and waiting. Sam spoke up after grabbing a soda from Betsy’s fridge, “What’s up fuck sluts? How’s life post-virginity?”

“The lack of a hymen is fine. It’s the Demons and Witches that I didn’t expect. Especially ones with such bad mouths,” Abby commented with a surprising amount of sass.

“Hey Shaggy, why’s Velma still here?”

Brian chuckled. “If that’s the reference we’re going with, you’re the monster we’re chasing. But seriously, Abby’s a part of this now,” he squeezed her shoulders and she smiled a little bit. How sickeningly cute.

“Abby’s not Magi bud, she just got screwed by one.”

“Hey, don’t talk about her like she isn’t here. She deserves to see this through. I already told her everything.”

Abby seemed pretty uncomfortable as they talked about her. God, she looked so dorky in those glasses. “As crazy as this is I want to be a part of it. I want to help Brian,” she piped up.

Sam just rolled her eyes. What would Abby think when Brian started fucking other people to level up? There was a reason Magi generally didn’t get attached to ordinary people.

“Young ones!” Betsy finally appeared from around the hall in her bathrobe, as she had a tendency to do. When was that woman not taking showers? “I want to check in with you guys, and give you a status update on Mara.”

After she said this she glanced over at Sam and flashed a look. It was a familiar look. A look that meant she was in trouble. Was it the fact that she was late? Did this bitch really have the audacity after making them wait for her shower?

“That thing is really on our side?” Brian asked. Man he was clueless.

“Oh yes, Demons are the original wielders of our power Brian. They’ve been casting spells far longer than we have. Mara will drive the Hunters away with magic, one way or another.”

“But their organization, the Holy Magi Hunters or whatever, won’t they just send more people?” he continued. Abby was holding his hand by his side in her red winter sweater. She was paying rapt attention to the conversation.

“Good question. If the threat is deemed too great, and a Demon is pretty damn substantial, they might decide that our situation isn’t worth pursuing. But they might not. Either way, they know where we are now. If things get much worse we’ll have to take a trip to Witchtown, might have to consider permanent relocation.”

Everyone in the room could see the hundreds of new questions eating up at Brian. Before he could let another one out Betsy changed the subject. “By the way, Abby, now that Brian has negotiated your inclusion, I’ve made something for you.”

Negotiated? So Betsy was letting him string her along. What the fuck was this special treatment? It was supposed to be paramount that the mundane never learn about magic. She’d had boyfriends before, well, guys she really liked to fuck at least. She’d specifically had to keep all the magic stuff secret, and it had been a huge pain.

Betsy handed the small girl a small flask, it was made of glass and full of orange liquid. “If things get too rough, drink this, it’ll give you something to work with.” Betsy turned to Sam. “Now, we have something to talk about, privately.”

Here we go, another speech about how lazy she was. They walked into Betsy’s bedroom to get out of earshot of the others. Sam had only been in it a few times before. It was strewn with candles and old books like the other rooms in the house, the lingerie was new though. A huge, king-sized bed took up most of the floor space, and a heavy locked chest was at its foot. Sam took a seat on it. Betsy stayed standing, she was glowering at her with arms crossed. “Sam, where were you yesterday?”

Her heart jumped. There was no way for her to know, right? “Nowhere, geez. You aren’t my Mom Bets.”

“Stop lying Sam. When a Demon chooses a Magi to bond with it’s more than just a physical connection. A part of Mara is in you now. That means it can know where you are and what you’re doing if it wills it. Yesterday, I asked it to check in on you.”

Fuck. Magic was such bullshit.

“I did it for your safety. Ironically, you were putting us all in grave danger.” She raised her voice. “That wasn’t the first time was it? I knew the Hunters must have gotten a hint somewhere. Fuck Sam. Did you think one of those kids wasn’t going to spread the news about a magic pussy in the bathroom?”

Sam’s blood was boiling. She stood up and practically yelled, “Ok fine! I had some fun. Big fucking deal. Isn’t that the kind of stuff we’re supposed to do? I didn’t know it would attract a bunch of killer Sunday-schoolers. Meanwhile, Brian’s out there with a complete outsider and you’re completely fine with it?”

“That is different, and you know it.” she replied with a slow, cool voice meant to contrast Sam’s emotionally charged one.

“You know what? Fuck you. You never even wanted me as an apprentice. You were always disappointed.” Fucking stupid face making stupid fucking tears. She pushed past Betsy and stormed out of the apartment. Brian tried to say something as she passed. She ignored him and slammed the door. The metal eight popped off and fell to the landing floor. Her phone was vibrating. Another call from Mom. Perfect fucking timing. She didn’t bother to pick up. What good was it being a Witch with all of these rules and restrictions? What good was she if she couldn’t follow them?

She wiped her tears on her sleeves. Well, she knew one thing she was good for, getting really high and passing out on her couch with a tub full of ice cream.

Chapter 8

Esther stared at her naked body in the hotel mirror. It was one of those rooms with a sink and mirror combination right outside of the bathroom. She ran her fingers over the pink scar from her shoulder to her collarbone. Memories of her worst fight with the agents of darkness ran over her mind in return. It seemed both centuries ago and yesterday. Many battles since passed, so many more to come.

Her skin covered a limber body. She had a warm ivory complexion; one that complemented her platinum body hair, which shined in electric lamp light wherever it would grow. To shave it would be a violation of regulation.

It was a body that had been training for years. But training for what exactly? Her parents and her brother had been guiding her for so long. Questions and doubts had come before, of course. But she’d always driven them out with prayer, or by going on a run. She didn’t know why, but she was beginning to let them take over.

The boy who had kissed her. He had seemed scared, not evil. And the kiss had made her feel, well, she didn’t know what she’d felt. But not corrupted, not wrong. She ran her fingers over her lips now, still staring at her reflection. It felt good to rub skin against skin.

Her big eyes were her most feminine feature, she’d always thought. They seemed even bigger with her shorn hair. It didn’t really matter though, nobody saw her as a pretty girl. Just a competitor, a fighter, a soldier. Her other arm shifted ever so slightly towards her private area. No. She had gone her entire life without sinning in that way. She could never-

“Feeling frisky are we?” A lilac hand curled around her stomach. Long sinewy rope covered her mouth just before she could scream. It was a tail, she realized. An ungodly beast was hugging her from behind. It had appeared from nowhere. She knew creatures from the underworld were invisible by default to those without magic, but this one clearly wanted to be seen.

It propped its head up on her shoulder and smiled. She stared at its alien face in the mirror in utter shock. Her heart felt like it would explode, and she was a marathon runner. Her neutralizer was on her bed. Sebastian was in the room over. The Demon seemed exceedingly strong as she desperately struggled against it. She said a stifled prayer behind the living cord that constricted her jaw. It was over. This was the end.

“Calm down human. This isn’t what you think.” The beast’s eyes flashed a rainbow of colors. Suddenly her body felt completely relaxed. Her heart rate returned to a leisurely rhythm. “I feel the longing in your aura. We can talk about it, if you promise not to scream. If you scream then I will get violent.”

She nodded against its grip. It wasn’t as if she had a choice. She didn’t know that even her and her brother combined could take such a thing. She’d only fought one other, and that was with a whole squadron of her ilk. This mission was not supposed to be so dangerous.

It let go of her gently. Too gently. It caressed her hips as it glided across the room to the hotel bed. She felt butterflies in her stomach at the undeniably sexual touch. For the first time, she saw its full body. So strange, but somehow appealing. It’s frame wasn’t so unlike her own. Slender and taut. Her eyes stuck on the sexual parts. So very strange. Whatever it had done to her was making her forget the danger. She shivered in the wind and realized that the sliding glass door to the balcony had been opened. How had she not noticed?

“You are a slave, human, more than I am in this realm. You have spent your life pleasing others and suppressing your true nature. I could fight you and your brother, but first I wanted to offer you a choice to be free of him. To show you what you’re missing. What it’s like to be pleased.” It grinned even wider as it finished its appeal.

“You aren’t going to rape me?”

“Some of my kind do. Some of the humans who use our magic too. But it is an inefficient form of our art, and looked down upon. The energies we feed on are tied to desire. A willing victim offers so much more to be reaped,” it’s eyes seemed to glow more brightly as it said this. “My time here is limited, and I grow bored. Let me give you a taste.” It rose to a standing position with a thrust of its wings. “Remember that Lust magic only enhances what is already there. None of these feeling are fabricated.”

Before she could respond the creatures eyes were flashing again. It suddenly seemed much more than just appealing. She wanted to… to touch it. She wanted to rub her fingers over its lips. To reach down to its private area. To let the darkness take her. She took a single step forwards, then froze.

What about her brother? Her oath? She remembered repeating the sacred words next to him when she was just a girl. She also remembered the doubt in her heart even then. She took two more steps and embraced the Demon. It began to laugh as its tail rapidly snaked all around her body. It tightly wrapped around each of her thighs, under her arms and around her middle. It must have had the ability to extend its tail to a length far greater than it appeared to have.

It slowly lifted her off the floor with just its impossibly strong tail. She was suspended in front of it, cradled by a dozen feet of flexible muscle. She looked down and saw its cock swelling. She was giving in to the temptation. The temptation that had been knocking at the gates of her conscious for years. Now it was like a great flood.

She absorbed every detail hungrily. She threw aside all her restraints, everything that told her to turn the other cheek. She wanted to feel the creature’s body, the best of man and woman. The round, lilac breasts at her eye level looked wonderful as she swayed in its ropes of flesh. She’d always admired both sexes, and now she wasn’t afraid to admit it to herself. She strained against the ropes in throes of lust. Her vagina was exposed between two thick loops around her inner thighs. They pulled it apart and showed her pink inner-privates. The penis was larger now, bigger than her brother’s, the only other one she’d seen. A deep part of her wanted it deep inside. Her entire body was beginning to tingle. “Take me! Show me sin, f… fuck me.” she breathed.

“As you wish.” It shifted its tail, and lowered her onto its cock. When she slid onto it, she felt an itch she’d never known she had get scratched. She watched her pussy engulf the meaty rod and continue to swallow it inch by inch. It was wider at the base. Her pussy lips wrapped around the increasing thickness under a glistening silver bush. Her insides stretched and it felt so good.

It scarcely even hurt, her hymen had been long broken by countless tampons and the bodily stress of intense combat. The creature seemed to have created the perfect member to fit her. Not too big or small. It slid all the way in and paused. It felt glorious to be filled. The tail shifted and sandwiched her breasts between two tight loops. They massaged her and ran over her nipples. She squirmed, shuddered, and swayed in the tight hammock the creature held her in.

She loved being touched. The tail rubbed her all over, it must have secreted some sort of oil. Every time she moved she felt its tight, muscular grip around her body mirror the walls of her pussy around the warm dick in her core. Every twitch sent her pleasure, and the creature wasn’t even moving. It was just standing, buried in her. She felt liquid flowing. She was drenching the cock, making up for so many dry years.

The Demon began squeezing its own tits as its other appendages did all the work. Finally, it slowly swung her back, keeping its body completely still. She moaned as the movement began. What was the sound that had just come out of her? She hadn’t meant to do it. The whole length was withdrawing from her, tugging at her walls as it went. Then, she reached the apex of the swing, and fell back towards its body, filled up once again. Stuffed full of demon cock. It repeated the motion. The cock dipped in and out of her lean frame, grinded against her clinging hole. Her ass met a mauve abdomen with every swing. She felt alive. No, she felt like a woman.

She started panting. Her body was reacting as if she had just run miles. All her muscles spasmed. A blissful warmness spread from her loins. This was an orgasm, she realized, and it was beautiful. It was a missing puzzle piece slotted in. She was a dirty, naughty, girl. Forget her family, to be penetrated was divine.

“ESTHER!” the unmistakable sound of Sebastian’s scream filled the room. Simultaneously, she felt cold water splash across her back. Too many feelings were flowing through her at once as the creature tossed her onto the bed violently. Her head was spinning. She felt water soak into the bed sheets beneath her. Holy water. Sebastian had thrown their entire stock at the beast.

The creature howled horribly. Sparkling smoke poured off of it in droves. Its purple skin welted and burned away in spots where the water had made contact. In the midst of its flailing, it darted forwards and struck her brother in the arm, hard. His feet left the ground as he flew into the white hotel room wall like a rope had yanked him from the side. His heavy body slammed the wall, then fell to the floor with a muted thud. Cracks in the plaster marked his impact. He wasn’t moving.

The Demon writhed and screeched through the room. She watched it, afraid to move. After a few more chaotic moments, it stretched its leathery wings and flew straight out through the balcony door, taking a chunk out of the wall as it went. She felt powerful gusts of wind against her body with each flap of its reckless escape. As soon as the sound of its wing beats had faded she ran to Sebastian. She pulled at his limp arm. “Are you ok Sebastian?” No response. She began to shake him. “Sebastian! Get up!

His arm tensed and pushed her away. “Get off!” She stumbled backwards at his words as much as his push.

“Sebastian I can explain.” She sounded on the verge of tears. She was suddenly aware that she was still naked, and hugged her trembling chest.

“Esther? I thought you were the enemy.” His rage melted. He ran to get her discarded clothes with slight limp and handed them to her, turning his head as she dressed. Once finished, he looked to her and held her shoulders with shaking hands. “I can’t believe what those vile…,” he couldn’t seem to find words hateful enough, “Monsters. Those fucking monsters. What they’ve done to you. That blasted kid from the street. They’ll pay, I swear to you sister.”

“Sebastian. It wasn’t quite what it looked like,” she said quietly. A tear was falling from her eye now. This would break him.

“What could you possibly mean?”

“I… it was… it was a choice.”

He recoiled from her immediately. “What?”

“It spoke to me, and I’d been thinking a lot about the oath anyways, and it made me realize some things about myself, and-”

“And so you willingly had… had sex with it?” His eyes were wide. He bore an expression she’d never seen on him before. It was one of utter loss and disbelief. He turned around, took several paces, and punched the mirror above the sink. It shattered and left his hand bloody. He spoke without turning back around. “It was magic. Magic twisted your mind.”

He turned to her with a glimmer of hope, and she slowly shook her head. The creature had been right. Deep down, her feelings were real. She took a few tentative steps towards him, and he recoiled. He jerked up his shaking, bloody hand to stop her, and flecks of red sprayed her white clothes. “No. You are dead to me.” The words broke her heart. She watched crimson droplets fall to the floor as he made his vow. “And the ones who did this. They’re just dead.”

Chapter 9

Sam woke up from her ice cream coma to a loud crash. That fucking cat needed to calm down. She rolled over and fell back asleep.


Waking up a second time made her think it might not be the cat. The subsequent thumps and rustles confirmed it. She popped out of bed with a surge of fear-induced adrenaline. She stood deathly still in her underwear. Someone was here. She blinked a bit at a new, buzzing ache in her head before whispering a nasty spell under her breath. Lust Magi weren’t the best at offensive magic, but they made do. This robber was about to get his dick turned into something very unpleasant.

She slowly opened her bedroom door, cringing in anticipation. It tended to creak. By some miracle, it didn’t. She turned into the hall with magic fingers at the ready. The headache was worsening. It was like a rattling insect trying to break out of the back of her skull. She ignored the pain, sucked in her breath, and poked her head around the corner to peer into the living room.

It wasn’t a robber, unless robbers had tails. Mara was sprawled across the carpet. Its purple skin shined dully in the little night light she liked to keep on. Sam let her breath out in relief. What the hell was Mara doing here? Betsy better not have sent it at three in the morning to try and extend an olive branch.

She flipped the light switch and realized that something was very wrong. The Demon’s skin was riddled with severe burns. Black blood was seeping into the carpet. Her headache was piercing as she stumbled forwards and kneeled by its side.

It looked like it had broken the door open and flown or crawled into the living room, taking down several pieces of furniture as it went. So much for being done with the magic stuff for a few days, a fucking Demon was bleeding all over her living room floor. “Mara wake up. What the shit happened to you?” It stirred at her touch and opened its eyes.

“Human, our bond led me here. You were closer than your mistress, and I am very weak.” It blinked slowly as it talked, the mirth in its voice was all but gone.

“Ow, fuck. Is our bond why my head is exploding right now?”

“Yes, you feel some of what I feel. A fraction that I imparted to you when we were one.” Its tail sluggishly and softly wrapped around her forearm. An unexpected gesture of intimacy. “Listen to me, Sam. It was the ones in white who did this. I seduced the female, but was caught off guard by her brother. The large male. He will seek vengeance.”

She nodded. “Are you… are you dying?”

“There is no such thing for my kind. I am only returning to my realm. It is just pain that bothers me so.”

“Oh. Can I ask before you go…,” It was hard to think with the pain in her head. “Why did you choose to bond with me?”

“The Realm of Lust is like outer space. Infinite. I live with my kin in a small corner. When I first saw you, there was something about your aura.” It managed to get out one last vulpine grin. “You reminded me of home.”

With that, its skin began to flake. In seconds it turned into ash, leaving a grey mound at her knees. The searing pain dissipated and left an emptiness. And for the first time in a while, Sam’s head felt clear.


“And this is all my magical stats and stuff,” Brian excitedly displayed his spellbook to the girl snuggled against his arm. They were side by side on her futon, their bodies pressed together like warm pancakes, tucked away and protected from the outside world in their own little cozy spot for two.

She read the first page out loud. “Preternatural Magnitude: 3, Entities Offered: 7, Aural Capacity: 840.” She rubbed her index finger over the spidery letters. “So when we, err, had sex. That really powered you up?”

“Definitely, I get the feeling it was a pretty rare thing, a virgin Warlock deflowering another virgin. Seems like I’ve skipped months of work because of it. But,” he looked over at her face, so close to his. “I didn’t do it just because of that, because of the power.”

She smiled and he couldn’t believe he had never seen the brilliant light in that smile before. “I know dummy.” She planted a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth. It sent a ripple of tenderness through his body.

He wanted nothing more than to melt into this couch with her. To let the time drift by while they were alone in her apartment. To just mix up and tangle and nuzzle and snug. Sex was hardly even on his mind. But it was a little bit.

It went hand in hand with the emotional sunrise inside of him. Her blonde hair was tucked behind her ear. Her gently arched eyebrows furrowed as she looked down at the spellbook through her glasses, concentrating on every detail. Her collar bone was exposed above the wide collar of her too-big t-shirt. Her nose was just slightly scrunched up. He loved that she did that without even realizing it. All of the little details drew him in. Together, they made her irresistible.

Betsy had commanded them to go home and hole up at their own places after the night on the candlelit mattress. She’d said that they were not to travel until the threat was passed. That’s what they’d done. But neither of them had been able to stop thinking about the other. They’d been playing games and voice chatting through their PCs every second they could. Finally, Betsy had called them together for a meeting, where Sam had had some sort of breakdown.

Then, they’d spent the rest of the day together, and it was probably the best day of Brian’s life. After a dreamy meal at a late night ramen place, they’d went to Abby’s apartment. And after several agonizing hours with her oblivious roommate, they’d been left alone in her room.

Their relationship was more than just brightly budding romance. She was someone he could confide in. Someone to share this new magical world with. It had only taken a promise to Betsy. A promise that one day, when the time came, he would take Abby as his own apprentice. It was lucky that she had the right aura to become a Lust Magi and not a different variety. Maybe that was part of why they meshed so well. Funnily enough, the shy types seemed to have the most hidden passion, at least in their cases.

He spoke quietly next to her, “so I’ve been thinking. If we’re going to do this, we’ll need to have an open relationship. I need it as a Warlock, and you’ll need it too once you’re a Witch.”

She took a moment to respond. “As long as we have each other’s hearts, I think we can share our bodies.” She looked away from him. “I… I kind of want to explore a bit.” Her cheeks turned pink at the confession.

He nodded and smiled. “Don’t be embarrassed. That’s part of what I’m learning about all this stuff. You’ve got to be shameless.”

She reached out and grabbed his hands. “I can’t wait to be like you, I still can’t believe it all. It’s like the fantasy books I read as a kid. Well, not as dirty.”

He chuckled and squeezed her hands back. It was a big promise, he knew that. Maybe their feelings wouldn’t be the same in however many years it took for him to learn the awakening spell. But right now. For these last few days on cloud nine. It was all perfect.

He gently closed the spellbook and set it aside. Then he turned to gently take off her glasses, and put them aside too. They gazed into each others eyes, paused to take things in. Butterflies was an understatement, he felt like a flock of beautiful birds was unleashing birdsong in his heart. He reached up and held the side of her head. She closed her eyes and seemed to just be appreciated his touch. When she opened them, they leaned in and embraced lips.

It was more than a kiss. The parts of it that made it such didn’t matter. It was what was underneath. Two souls overflowing where they were once empty. Two hopes colliding and fulfilling. Two people who were deeply and secretly afraid that they would never find love, finding it right in front of them. Feeling it in each other.

With this person and at this moment, Brian felt strong and courageous and comfortable in himself. Because if she could love him like this, then he could too. And somewhere in the torrent of emotions sweeping him was a drop or two of sweet sadness for the broken parts now mending.

When they finally parted, passion took over. Abby reached down and undid his belt. He helped pull off his pants. His dick slumped across his thigh and down towards his knee.

She looked down at it with a slightly open mouth, then started moving her lips to talk. “Can I tell you something weird?”


“I used to masturbate to the thought of you.”

Well, that was unexpected. But also pretty sexy. “Honestly, I’ve jerked it to the thought of you as well, guys don’t discriminate much with that stuff.”

“I just, I liked you for so long, and now you’re here. And it’s so much different than I thought it would be, but still so amazing. And I just,” Her voice lowered, “god I want to get fucked by you right now.” Her face turned bright red.

Brian didn’t waste any more time on words. He pulled her onto his lap and brought her face to his. He kissed her again, and this time it was a deep, hungry kiss. He pushed past her teeth and explored her mouth. She responded in kind.

She pulled off his shirt, and they parted for just a moment as it came up off his head. A glimpse of her passion-lit, freckled face appeared behind a flash of fabric tossed aside. When they closed the distance again she started to caress his back and shoulders.

She was sitting on his straining cock, keeping it down and pressed against his leg. He felt the texture of her little pajama shorts. He pulled himself away from her lips, and reached under her baggy t-shirt to find a warm handful of boob. For a second he thought about using Siren’s Call to enhance things a bit. No, they didn’t need it. This was a different kind of magic.

Breathing hard above him, she pulled off her t-shirt to expose his hand on her naked upper body. He leaned in to grab and suck her nipples and reached down to cup her butt with his free hand. She let out a low, humming, “mhhmm,” as he handled her for long seconds. His hardening cock was getting uncomfortable trapped beneath her. He firmly lifted up on her tight ass cheeks to indicate a change in position.

She stood up on the couch, her pink shorts raised up to his eye level, with her legs on either side of his lap. His giant manhood chased her ascent, springing upwards after being freed. It bobbed up well past his belly button and gave her a nice view from above. It was soon draped in pink cloth.

She’d dropped her last piece of clothing and exposed her pussy, inches from his face. It was as perfect as before. A single crack between two smooth, pale mounds. He was so close he could smell her girly aroma and see tiny beads of moisture leaking from inside.

He reached up and spread her pussy lips. Abby watched from above. She was thoroughly wet. With the perfect divide parted, he could see her bright pink hood and a little nub underneath. He began to lick her, and she let out a moan. She’d never had oral before. He’d never given it, but she seemed to be enjoying his first try. He moved his tongue in circles around her clit. She put her hands on his head as he ate her out.

She began to squirm and moan louder, her hands were deep in his hair. But on the brink of climax, he stopped. She looked down at him longingly. “Brian please, do that some more.” She was begging for him to finish, but it wasn’t time yet. He put his hands on his throbbing cock, and lifted it until it was pointing straight up at her pussy. She stopped protesting when she realized what he was doing.

Instead, she squatted. Lower and lower, swaying her ass a little to line herself up as she got close. His cock head slid in slowly as she sat on it. It felt tight in her hole. She let herself sink onto the meaty skewer. “Ohh it’s so fucking big Brian.” She got halfway down and stopped, she held onto him to support herself, this position was kind of awkward. He felt her body weight pressing down on his cock between her bent thighs.

“Ok, I have a better idea.” He said as he helped her off of him, relishing the feeling of her insides squeezing him as she stood up again. He told her to go onto all fours on the futon, parallel to the longer side. Then, he stood on the floor in front of the shorter side, behind her. He looked down at blonde hair and a smooth back with a deep spinal indent that dipped down its slim lower half. It pointed towards a round, button ass with little dimples above. He could see a few errant freckles dotting her shoulders. Back downwards, his dick was almost touching, lined up behind her holes.

She strained her neck to look behind herself to see him with cock in hand, then gave up on holding herself up with her arms. She let her face fall flat to the futon and used her free hands to reach up and pull back her cheeks. She presented herself to him in complete submission. Face down, ass up. Her undercarriage was spread wide, letting him know she wanted to be impaled from behind.

This time his dick slid into her wet folds without much resistance. When he plunged past the halfway point she started to lose herself. “Yes. Yes. Fuck my tiny body with your magic fucking dong.” Her little body was quivering around his cock. He grabbed her ass and started to plow. Every time he pulled and pushed through her pink slit his cock radiated pleasure.

“Do you like the feeling of my big dick Abby? Do you like how it’s, uh, filling you up?”

“Yes I super love it!” her voice came out muffled with her face down in the futon.

Alright, they could work on the dirty talk later.

Her hands were underneath now, feverishly rubbing her clit. He rocked her ass back and forth on his fat cock with two firm handholds, spreading her round cheeks as she slid on his pole. He wouldn’t last long like this. Neither would she. He saw their auras blending as he fucked her past the point of no return.

They reached climax in near unison. Abby gasped and shuddered enough that he felt it through his buried dick. She involuntarily twisted her body in humping motions as a powerful orgasm racked her. Brian felt the familiar rising wave of cum, but he didn’t pull out. His cock began to pump as she finished cumming herself. He felt incredible amounts of thick liquid spurt deep inside of Abby.

“Oh my god,” was all she could say as the semen continuously filled her limp body. He finally pulled out, and the last few threads landed on her ass. She let her lower body fall so that she was on her side, with her butt on the edge of the futon. Cum gushed out in the mother of all creampies. His spunk coated her pink crack, dripped down her ass, and fell to the floor.

He sprawled himself in a sitting position next to her. She shifted a bit so that her head was resting on his leg. They stayed like that for a few minutes, there was nothing left to say.

Until they heard a wood splintering bang. Both of them jumped in surprise.

“What was that?” he whispered urgently.

“I think the door,” she said as she sat up and looked around in bewilderment.

“Oh fuck, the Hunters.” Both of them launched off of the futon and scrambled to throw on clothes and find weapons. Abby grabbed the orange potion that Betsy had given her from the pocket of her coat and shoved it into her jeans as she threw on a shirt.

He pulled on his pants and spoke the words for a Lustball. Dammit, he needed to learn more spells. He turned to her. “Is there a fire escape or something?” Before she could answer, the bedroom door flew open and slammed into the wall. A giant man in all white filled the doorframe in its stead, a long white baton in his hand.

The man went straight for him, striding across the room in an instant. Brian raised his fingers for a shot, but they were swifty struck by the man’s weapon. Pain exploded where the tingle of magic resided a moment earlier. It wasn’t just the pain of being hit in the hands with a blunt object, it felt like he’d been tased. The man’s hulking arms came forward in a brutal shove to follow the baton strike. He felt himself hit the futon and flip over it. He smashed against the hardwood floor.

He heard Abby scream on the other side of the room. He had to help her. Had to get up. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t use magic, couldn’t talk. He could only remain on the floor as pain crawled across his skin and the sounds of Abby’s struggle attacked his ears. Not even Siren’s Call would work. The baton had paralysed him.

He heard a thump. No more screams from Abby. He could see four feet underneath the futon. Two were being dragged away.

No no no.

He tried to yell that she was innocent. Scream that the man should be taking him, not her. But only an unintelligible groan came out. The feet disappeared around the corner. The sound of heavy footsteps faded from earshot soon after.

How had the man found them? Where was their Demon protector? This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t be. Abby was gone and it was all his fault.

Chapter 10

“Ok calm down dude. First of all, Betsy left.”

“What? What do you mean Betsy left?”

“I texted her about Mara and she texted me back like ten minutes ago. She said she’s leaving for Witchtown as soon as possible and she-”

“Why isn’t she picking up? I’ve been texting and calling non stop.”

“Brian, let me finish. Witchtown exists in a different dimension or some shit, she can’t contact us at all while she’s over there.”

“So she just abandoned us? Abby got kidnapped Sam, she needs help now. I couldn’t stop her roommate from calling the police, more people might get hurt.”

“Shit, that isn’t good. Obviously Betsy didn’t know that you guys were in immediate danger or she wouldn’t have left. It’s out of left field that they knew where Abby lived.”

“So you’re saying we have no Demon, no powerful mistress, no idea where Abby is. We just have to sit here and wait?”

“No, I didn’t say that. Let’s meet at Betsy’s right now. I have a key.”

“… Ok.” He hung up. Sam tried to wash the rest of the Demon ash from her arms. Little grey smudges were still here and there. No time. She threw on some clothes, pulled open her broken door, and met the cold night.


When she got to the landing for door number eight Brian was already there. The jog over had been scary, full of looks behind the shoulder and jumps at every noise and shadow. Brian had picked up the fallen metal “8” and was finishing the process of fixing it back into place, his hands were shaking, and wrapped in some bandages. It was funny that he thought to make the repair at such a time.

When he turned around she saw how worse for wear he was. His hair was disheveled and he looked even more distressed than he had on the way to seducing that redhead. He was just wearing sweatpants and a graphic t-shirt under his coat. She happened to be wearing almost the same thing, and probably didn’t look much better.

“Sam thank god, this is crazy.”

“Yep, move so I can unlock this.”

He scooted to the side so she could insert the key. “That guy hit me with some sort of anti-magic stick, I still can’t cast spells, can’t even see auras.”

“Weird, Betsy mentioned that the Hunters have some wild stuff for dealing with us.” They talked as she opened the door and led them into the living room. Betsy was long gone. A few candles were still burning in the darkness. They walked around and lit more until they could see. Neither of them took a seat when they finished.

“So do you know how long I’ll be magic-less?”

“Nope.” she replied. She’d heard the desperation in his voice. She felt for him. Yeah, Abby didn’t belong with them, but she didn’t deserve this.

“Ok well… we have to do something.”

“Like what man? I’m still dealing with the fact that a Demon died in my loving embrace. We might just have to hunker down until Betsy gets here with reinforcements.”

“What kind of reinforcements? And when?”

“I think she’s getting her friend Phoebe. And I have no idea when, it could be a while.”

“Ok, ok.” Brian began to pace around the green couch. “How do you even get to this Witchtown place? No, it doesn’t matter. What are the Hunters gonna do to Abby?”

Sam grimaced. “Well, let’s just say stuff hasn’t changed much since the Salem days.”

“But she’s not a Witch! He just thinks she is cause he saw her with me… maybe. I still don’t get why he left me over her.”

“I think I know. Before it died Mara told me that it banged the female. Those two are siblings, so it got the big guy’s sister to basically betray him.”

“Ok, so this is a revenge mission?”

“Seems like it, he might not even care if she’s a Witch. He thinks you’re the one who sent Mara, the one who took his girl. Now he’s returning the favor. I don’t think they know that me and Betsy are even around. Good thing is we probably just have one Hunter to deal with now.”

“Yeah, well he’s a nasty one.”

They stood in the quiet for a few seconds. Sam had a chance to think, and all the stuff she’d been pushing aside since her fight with Betsy came rushing in. She was the one who’d gotten the Hunters called into the area with her first public bathroom expedition, which meant that she was the one responsible for this kidnapping, the one responsible for this whole fucked up situation. The impact of her actions was finally hitting her. Shit. Betsy was right, she’d been stupid.

“Brian. I’m sorry.” He looked up at her in surprise. “I might have been the reason the Hunters came here.”

He looked taken aback, then a little angry, then his face smoothed. “Well, Abby only got involved in this mess at all cause she was my friend, so I guess we’re even.” He ran his hands through his messy hair and sighed. “If it’s both of our faults, we could both make amends if we saved her.”

“Yeah, you’re right. We do need to do something, I just have no fucking clue what. We don’t know where he took her for starters.”

“You’re more experienced than me, is there any magic we could use to find them?”

She gestured to the books piled around the apartment. “We can look.”

Brian nodded. “We better make some coffee.”

He started a pot while she started the search. She got on all fours to pull some promising leather-bound journals out from under the couch. When she finished fishing them out she looked up and caught him peeking. Cute. Even at a time like this, the urges didn’t stop, not for their kind.

That got her thinking. Maybe some fun would recharge his batteries, get his magic flowing again. If nothing else, it’d take their mind off things. Yeah, that was more than enough excuses for her to fuck him.

She stood up and walked to the far side of the room, outside of his view from the kitchen coffee maker. She pulled off her sweatpants. She was wearing a thong with Pac-Man ghosts around the waistband underneath. Her shirt wasn’t big enough to hang past it. Oh well. She walked back into Brian’s view and casually pulled a book down from a shelf.

“I have your… coffee.” He approached her with two mugs in his hand. He was staring openly at her bare legs.

“What? It’s warm in here.” She walked over to him and gave him a smirk as she took her mug. “Don’t stare perv.” He averted his gaze quickly.

“Sorry, that’s, uh, yeah ok.”

She wondered if he was getting hard already, just watching her butt with nothing but a thin thong to cover it? He took a seat on the cozy recliner and she took the green couch. They both cracked open books with mugs in hand. Time to turn up the heat. She switched on her Siren’s Call. Just a little. It wasn’t actually a switch, it was like a knob. She was using it at 10%, enough that Brian probably wouldn’t be able to tell.

He glanced up from his book again, his eyes wandering. “Did you find something?” she asked.

“Not yet.” He was shifting in his seat, trying to cover up his crotch, so bashful.

“Let me check that book you’ve got.” She walked over and took it from his hands. Then she turned around. Her big ass was front and center in his view. She subtly shifted her hips back and forth as she flipped the pages. “Mmm I like this one, Betsy taught it to me a few months ago”

“Will uh, will it help with Abby?”

“No, but it might help with now.” Before he could say anything she twirled back around and spoke the words. “Deserant circumda torquem servus.” Black smoke gathered in her hands, she tossed the book aside, smiled, and flicked open her fingers. Brian was enveloped.

“Fuck, what did you do?” He stood up as the smoke gathered in two spots: around his neck and around his dick. A spiked dog collar materialized around the former, with a long leash to match. A different kind of collar would be around his junk.

No point in being subtle anymore, she turned her Siren’s Call to full blast. “How about we try and get that magic flowing again Bri-Bri, my little pet.”

His dick quickly made a massive tent in his sweatpants, his eyes were glazed over with desire. “Mmm ok, I’ll be your pet.”

“Good, get undressed, I’m going to get a few things.” She found exactly what she wanted in Betsy’s bedroom. Then she returned to a naked Brian on all-fours, with his leash in his mouth, and a metal cock-ring around his cock. The beautiful thing nearly hung down to the floor. His eyes widened at her re-appearance.

She wasn’t sure how much of his expression was a reaction to the tight black leather outfit, with studded straps around her exposed tits and high red stilettos, and how much was to the leather flail in her hand. Her outfit stopped at her waist, and she’d taken off the Pac-Man thong.

She slowly walked up, paused, then squatted down in front of his face, teasing him with a spread pussy. The look on him was animal, and she didn’t think it was part of the roleplay. She grabbed the leash, stood up, and gently tugged on it. “Good boy.” He got on his knees and reached towards her, practically salivating at the mouth. “No.” She swatted him with the flail. “Bad Brian.”

“OW! Jesus.” He snapped out of his stupor and rubbed his arm where she’d lashed him.

“You must obey your mistress.”


“Or you can’t cum.”

“Yeah, I get it,” he said, annoyed.

“No, I mean that spell I cast makes it impossible for you to cum until I say so.” That got his attention.

“Like, forever?”

“Yep. Better listen up, doggy.”

He swallowed. “Yes mistress.”

“Good, now roll over.”

He rolled onto his back, his cock flopped onto his belly after him. She was finally going to get a taste of it. But not before she had some more fun. She stood at his shoulder, faced his feet, and stepped one leg over him, standing with her ass above his head. “Tongue. Out.”

He stuck out his tongue like a good boy, but his hands went to his cock. “No, not until I say.” She lashed his arm again. He winced and put his hands back up in surrender. “Eat your mistress out now, pet.” She carefully squatted down until her puss landed on his waiting mouth. She was now facing his cock, with her asshole above his eyes, her ass cheeks resting on his face, and his tongue over her clit. It felt fantastic, warm, wet and rough. She moved on it, back and forth, grinding his face.

His cock was already hard to the point of throbbing, it’s purple head bobbed in front of her. She couldn’t resist anymore. She reached out and held it in between both hands. She threw her flail to the side and began rubbing it up and down with her palms flat on the thick sides. Brian made muffled sounds of pleasure beneath her.

She enjoyed the feeling of the big dick between her hands almost as much as she enjoyed his tongue. She gazed down his length towards the gold at the end of the rainbow, his giant, meaty balls. They were propped up in their full glory by the tight black cock ring. She leaned down and felt them up, leading them into more of a sixty-nine position.

Each testicle was a big handful. She rolled them under the soft, bumpy skin of his ballsack, gently tugging and pulling at them. She began to lick, from between his balls, up his shaft, and back down. Not yet allowing the sensitive head any attention. He twitched underneath her. “Please suck it mistress.” He breathed from under her pussy.

She responded by biting his leg, using enough force to leave a mark. He jerked underneath her in response. She chuckled, then felt a sharp pinch from her left ass cheek. She yelped and rolled off of him. The fucker had bitten her back.

She stood up slowly and composed herself, flicking her green bangs from her eyes. Whether he intended it or not, the resistance was only turning her on more. “Very very naughty Bri-Bri.” She paced as his eyes followed her from the floor. With a bobbing boner that could cut bulletproof plexiglass, he got back on his knees. “Bad boys get punished,” she growled.

“Then punish me mistress.”

Oh she would. She walked forward and firmly pressed on his back until he was on all fours again. She got on her knees at his side. Then she pulled back her arm and spanked his ass, hard. He cursed under his breath as she watched pink marks form on his boy butt. “Bad boy.” She reached down, squeezed his cock in one hand, and slapped his ass again with the other.

“I’m sorry mistress,” he groaned, in both pleasure and pain. “Good. Good boys get treats.” She pulled downwards and finally got to the bulbous end of his dick. He reacted visibly as she caressed it. After spitting in both palms, she milked his cock. He squirmed on his hands and knees as she tugged it. She squeezed downwards with tight fists and let the haze of lust wash over her. Before long, she was wet and itching for penetration, while he was on the edge of orgasm. “Please mistress can I cum?” he asked with yearning in his voice.

No matter how hard his body wanted it, the magic would prevent him from orgasm, he would forever stay at the agonizing moment right before. Unless she allowed it, of course, and she wasn’t done. She responded to his plea with another command. “Roll over.”

He obeyed immediately, and she climbed on top of him. She got in reverse cowgirl position, looking out over his legs and giving him a nice view as she filled herself with fat cock. It felt like nothing she had ever experienced, except maybe Mara. Her Witch pussy was made for this thick broomstick of a dick.

She sat down until her ass was resting on his thighs, letting out an “ugh,” as the final few inches got really far up inside her. His balls hung down below her crotch. She doubted a girl had ever fit it all inside before. Other girls weren’t Witches.

“Fuck, ooh fuck.” Brian was losing his mind behind her. She began to roll her body, feeling his stiff member deep inside, prodding and stimulating. She closed her eyes and pinched her nipples, relishing the sensations of being filled.

He started making noises she’d rarely heard boys make before as she withdrew halfway from the base of his dick and began riding him up and down with her hands on his lower thighs. From behind her, he would be seeing her pussy swallow up his cock, her thick ass jiggling with every motion. She fondled his sack as she continued to work him, admiring its pinkish-brown surface. Without the ring she knew he would have came several times over by now.

“Please mistress,” he gasped. Ignoring him, she licked her middle finger and explored his taint, managing to get the tip into his asshole as she continued to ride him. His body was involuntarily thrusting upwards, his leg muscles were clenching and unclenching. “Plea- Please,” he moaned, not able to get anything else out.

Her little pet was desperate. He was putty under her fingers. Oh fuck, she was cumming on him. She breathed in sharply as euphoric heat exploded from her girl parts. She rode out the waves of pleasure until she remembered the spell. Oops, she finally spoke the word, her voice deep and breathy in the wake of orgasm, “relevo.”

The magical collars disappeared and Brian’s breath caught in his throat as every part of his body tensed. His butt lifted off the floor as he clenched. For a solid three seconds he just stayed like that, not breathing. Oh shit, was he ok? She turned around to catch his eyes rolling to the back of his head just as his cock finally jerked inside her in a sharp, explosive motion. She felt a load like she’d never felt. It was as if she’d taken a huge swig of a thick, warm drink, but deep inside.

He took in a loud gasp of breath as his dick spasmed with more deliveries of semen. Hot, white cum literally sprayed out of the seal between her pussy and him. The area around her belly-button bulged out just slightly with the crazy amount of liquid. He had pumped her past full. For almost a minute he continued, she enjoyed the feeling of his man juice coursing through her until the outpouring ended at last. Excess Lust energy drifted around the room in small clouds.

She dismounted to find him unconscious, his body limp in a puddle of his own cum. What a pretty picture.


It was several hours later, after she’d just finished flipping through two books of potion recipes and one titled, “Cum Conjuring Volume 2,” that something disrupted their late night reading session: a knock. Three unmistakable taps on the wooden door.

Brian looked up from a thick, yellow-paged tome. He’d awoken from his nut-nap after a few minutes. He still didn’t have magic, but he didn’t seem too upset about having a galactic orgasm. He’d told her that he never wanted that spell cast on him again without permission. But, with some prodding, he had admitted that he’d enjoyed, “taking her on a roller cumster ride,” as she’d put it.

“Is that Betsy?” he whispered.

No way it was Betsy so soon. Sam held her finger up to her lips and tiptoed into the kitchen to grab a knife. She tossed it to Brian. No magic, but you couldn’t beat cold, hard steel in a fight. She sidled up to the wall besides the door with a spell ready. A Lustball, hopefully it would disorient enough for Brian to move in. He positioned himself right in front of the door. His hands were shaking again, but his jaw was clenched with determination. She tried to look calm, but she didn’t know how well it was working, her heart was pumping fast.

Another knock came. Four quick taps this time. Sam held her hand up in front of Brian, and used fingers to silently count down from three.




She flung open the door and lobbed the Lustball through the gap, immediately darting back out of the way. Brian charged forwards with wild eyes.


He hesitated, almost tripped, then caught himself on the doorframe. Fuck. Sam peered back around and into the landing. It was a girl in all white, except for a red cross on her shirt. The symbol of the Hunters. A suitcase was on the floor next to her.

It must have been the sister. She had short silver hair, which was right in their faces as she was doubled over, with her hands on her stomach. It didn’t seem like she had been gunning for a fight. Ok, weird turn of events. Maybe good, maybe bad. Just cause Mara had gotten to the lady didn’t mean she wasn’t still on her brother’s side.

“You…,” said Brian.

“What did you do to me?” she got out through gritted teeth.

Sam elbowed past Brian and faced the lady. He could stand there with his mouth open, she was going to take care of this bitch. “I blasted you with some hot sex magic, now what the fuck are you doing at our doorstep?”

Chapter 11

“Come on Sam, we gotta hurry.” Brian sped up at her side, their footprints dotted the thin layer of snow that formed as they traveled the city blocks. They both wore backpacks.

“Shut up, I’m trying to figure this out.” Sam messed around with one of the knobs on the rectangular device and wiped away a few flecks of fallen snow from its screen. She’d bundled up in a warmer coat from Betsy’s closet before they’d left. The thingy in her hand was divining rod technology. Apparently, the Holy Magi Hunters had been attempting to utilize it for years, and they’d finally developed it into something useful.

What was once some mystical old sticks was now a smartphone-like device that could point you in the direction of any person with a body sample. According to Esther, it was called a DRD, she couldn’t remember what the acronym stood for.

It turned out that the brother, Sebastian, had snatched some hairs from Abby’s head when he’d first run into her. Esther had gotten Brian’s saliva too, from swabbing her lips after a kiss. Sam would have loved to see that battle. Anyways, the Hunters used the DRD to hunt these days, and another device that just beeped when strong auras were close.

That was how Esther had found them, and offered them help. They’d talked, and talked, and struck a deal. She and Brian still had their doubts of course, they couldn’t trust her, not fully. But this morning she would prove herself a true turncoat. Sam pulled open the small side slot and spit into it. A little pixelated arrow appeared on the screen. It spun for a bit and then pointed right back at her.

“There we go baby, I’ve mastered this thing.” She lifted the DRD up among the snowflakes in triumph. The arrow constantly adjusted to keep a bead on her. She still had no idea what all the read-out data underneath the arrow meant, but Brian didn’t need to know that.

“Cool, wish we had that thing a little earlier.” He rubbed his bandaged hands over his arms and shivered. After hours of tense planning, all three of them had slept at Betsy’s, Esther had agreed to be locked in the bathroom for the night. Even so, Brian looked like he hadn’t gotten a wink.

The Hunter had really spilled the beans on everything. She’d explained the strategy Sebastian was using. A standard Hunter tactic. How had she put it?

Once an area is identified as Magi habited, because a friend of the church had sent in a tip, in their case, the purging process begins with the deployment of a team of Hunters. They comb the area with their tools, but even on sighting, Hunters are often only able to snag one Magi.

Magic users are elusive. But, the nature of the apprenticeship system means that they also have tight bonds to one another. So, a bait and wait technique works perfectly. Tie one Magi up then watch the others come running.

Of course, the more time Magi have to prepare, the more the odds stack against a waiting Hunter. I mean Betsy had summoned a Demon with some candles and chanting, though that had only been an option because they had some virgins to burn. The Hunters would take down just one Witch over losing a whole team of their own any day. They had to keep the Magi on their toes if they were going to beat them all. So, there was always an ultimatum.

Sebastian had given his this morning. It was a note tied to a rock, thrown through Abby’s apartment window. Her spooked roommate had sent a picture of it to Brian an hour ago. It said, “Come to Streaker Street Motel Room 26, 1 hour or girl dies.” Not very subtle, this Sebastian guy. They’d been frantically searching for a way to get to Abby, then it turned out that he wanted them to show up, and that was freaky. It meant he would be prepared.

They were getting closer to their destination, and the snowy silence was making her uneasy. She spoke to Brian. “So how’s Abby’s roommate?”

“She’s fine. I told her I would handle the police and that she should stay at her friend’s place,” he mumbled. “I couldn’t stop a missing persons report from getting filed.”

“Hey, why don’t you try magic again?”

He nodded and furrowed his brow. The words for a Lustball left his lips. For a second there was nothing, then his aura surged. It sluggishly gathered at his fingertips, then sped up, like it was being kickstarting back into gear. His face brightened up just a little. “It’s working!”

“Welcome back, Mr. Warlock,” her sarcastic tone hid her relief. Esther had confirmed that the “neutralizers,” as they called their anti-magic batons, lasted for less than a day in effect, but they’d been worried his powers still wouldn’t be back in time. It was one of the many things that had to go right for their plan to work.

Speaking of Esther, it was about time they got an update. She dialed her number as they neared their destination.

“Hello?” came the stern greeting.

“Esther, we’re almost there. Did you talk to your brother?”



“He’s extending the ultimatum.” Hell yes, this was the first part of their deal. Esther was the only one who’d be able to convince Sebastian to give them more time. “Our organization would never approve of this, he must be ignoring them. He is furious. Angrier than I have ever known him to be, and his temper is his greatest flaw of character.”

Geez, glad the dude wasn’t a Wrath Warlock. “How’d the convincing go?”

“He hasn’t forgiven me, but he believed my lie. I told him that I have repented, and that I have gained favor with the Magi. He thinks that I am bringing him Brian in an act of redemption, leading him to the slaughter at 3 pm.” Nice, a bit earlier than they’d wanted, but mostly just as planned. Both sides now thought that Esther was a double agent for them. She had to believe that they were the ones she was really helping.

“Perfect. Are you at the spot?”


“Good, we’re here.” She hung up just as they got to the door of the library. It was a wide, two-story building, and the best spot to do their work at in a good proximity to the motel.

Sam couldn’t remember the last time she’d been in a library. Although Betsy’s place was kind of like a small, sexy, poorly maintained library. She’d forgotten the quiet atmosphere and smell of musty books. It made her think of middle school for some reason. Gross. Her and Brian nodded to the lady at the front desk and brushed past shelves stuffed full of almanacs and encyclopedias. It was the only library in a wide radius, and fairly busy at, she checked her phone, 11:57 in the morning.

They climbed some stairs to the second floor. It featured the study area. People of all types sat at library computers and wooden tables: working, reading, whatever. They spotted Esther alone in a table near the center of the area. She was very obviously pretending to read a book, not even looking down at the pages, but gazing ahead with a somber expression. Instead of her uniform, she wore jeans and a black turtleneck. She looked normal, still like a lesbian with a stick up her ass, but a lesbian with a stick up her ass that wasn’t also a Jesus-freak Witch huntress.

She spotted them and gave a short wave without changing her expression. Sam found her hot in an uptight bitch sort of way. She wanted to corrupt her, to take her holier-than-thou attitude down a few pegs. She was starting to get excited. She looked over at Brian and could tell he was feeling the same thing. That twinge of the aura that meant the labido was about to be fed. It didn’t matter that they’d just fucked last night. They were always growing hungrier.

She whispered in Brian’s ear and grabbed his butt for a microsecond as they parted. He gave her a look, half indignant, half turned-on, then disappeared behind some shelves with his arm in his bag. She tossed her bag and coat to the side. Esther was about to learn how the Lust Magi got things done.

Sam tugged at the tight blue dress she’d borrowed from Betsy’s, making sure the little cleavage she had was showing. She stretched on the far side of the room, then vogued all the to Esther’s lonely table, purposefully swinging her hips with her arms akimbo, knowing she was drawing looks. At a few feet away, she lifted up her arm and performed the most ostentatious come-hither motion she could muster.

The poor women looked like a mouse in a corner. Her face turned red. She glanced around the room and cringed away from the stares before standing up and quickly closing the distance in embarrassment. Sam enjoyed every moment.

“Hey there sexy,” she said as Esther arrived, loud enough for people to hear. She put her arm around the Hunter and pulled her in close. Her hands went up in between them in resistance.

“What is the meaning of this?” she furiously whispered in her embrace. “I thought this would be subtle.”

“Just wait,” Sam smiled. She leaned forward and dragged her tongue across Esther’s cheek. She looked like she was on the verge of bursting into combat mode when Brian’s voice came from across the room. “Now Sam!”

They spoke the spell together. “Somniant ex desiderio. Dormiat libidine. Esto ad tuos pressum.” Everyone in the room reacted, and then didn’t. An older man with glasses jerked his head towards Brian’s initial shout in confusion, then slowly relaxed with his nose back in his book. A beanie-clad teen looked like she was about to say something, then yawned and stretched.

Sam and Brian’s auras dripped pink energy that floated up and rolled across the ceiling like clouds in twilight. They began to shed cotton candy snow. All across the 2nd floor, lids drooped at the touch of rosy fluff. They spoke the words two more times and the magic modulated their voices, turning their chants into an enchanting lullaby until everyone but them and Esther were asleep.

In the spells wake, there was only a host of slumbering bodies, and a silence that not even the library was used to. Brian appeared from behind the shelves. “Well, that was effective. Took a lot out of me though.”

“Yeah me too.” In fact, it had probably taken much more out of her. Even though Brian had a crazy aural capacity, he wasn’t even close to a full tank after just getting his magic back. She, on the other hand, was bursting with energy after all that dominatrixing. But even that was just about gone after a sleep spell of such scope. Time to fill them both back up to the brim. Sam released Esther, who was looking at the bodies inquisitively.

“What did you do?” she asked.

“Sam played distraction while I set up candles around the radius of the room, then we spoke the words to set off the spell.” Brian explained while he took off his shirt.

“Yep, we found a cool spell that puts people into deep wet dreams.” Sam added as she pulled down shimmied out of her dress and let it fall to the floor.

At a closer glance, the people in the room weren’t quite sound asleep, they were twitching and moaning under their breath. The men had bulges and the women had wet spots. They were all having sex dreams of the wildest, most vivid variety. The pink snow still fell gently over the room, gathering up in little fluffy drifts.

Esther eyed it warily, then looked over at her and Brian, who were both down to their underwear. “What if someone comes?”

“They’ll fall asleep too, for the next hour at least.” Brian finished his words with a dramatic dropping of his briefs. She wasn’t sure if his dick reveal turned her on more or the way Esther ogled it. She was so glad they’d kept this part of the plan a secret from her. It was too much fun.

“Like what you see?” she asked Esther as she finished getting naked herself. No response, she just stared. Brian lifted his cock up and let it swing back down, it went back and forth in between his legs a few times like a pendulum. It looked like she needed some encouragement.

Sam walked up and put her hands on the woman’s waist. Her body froze, but her eyes roved over the naked woman in front of her. Into girls are we? Sam guided the turtleneck over her head, then removed the bra, revealing tits that were a size or two bigger than her own, with huge nipples. Damn, she must have had extra padding to stop those pokies from showing through her clothes.

“Wait, I… I want to. But someone will see!” she whispered urgently, even as she made no effort to stop the undressing. Sam shut her up by putting a finger over her lips.

“Shhhhh, it’s a library,” she whispered back.

Brian walked forwards and put his hands over the newly exposed thimble-sized nips. Esther’s eyes went wide as he rolled them in between his fingers. Sam bent down and went to work on the Hunter’s pants. Brian’s dick hung to her left, she gave it a few loving strokes, then pulled down a pair of jeans along with some high-waist panties, wow, people still wore those.

She was greeted with a lot of silvery hair. She made a mental note to introduce this lady to a razor, which reminded her of another mental note made earlier. She disengaged from Esther, who was tentatively reaching down towards Brian’s cock, and took a quick trip to her bag, left on the floor. She pulled out two small, round objects, then returned to Brian, who was taking a seat in a library chair, and letting Esther explore.

His dick was only at half mast as Esther got down on her knees, now in the nude as well. She gently took the giant thing in slender hands and lifted it up towards her face, inspecting it like a prized museum artifact. From behind, Sam had a view of her ass that she did not mind at all. This girl clearly worked out. It was a different kind of nice butt than her own. Not naturally thick and jiggly, but firm and shaped by muscle.

Esther finally stuck out a tongue and gave Brian a taste. Sam let her do her best at a blow job for a moment. She fingered herself a bit as the inexperienced girl wrestled with the monster in Brian’s lap. He seemed to be enjoying her attempt as well, slowly hardening into his full length. She was wielding the long shaft like one of her neutralizers and trying to fit it into her mouth when Sam interrupted. “I’ve got a gift Esther.”

They both looked up at the items in Sam’s hand. Smooth, black, in the shape of rounded cones with one tapered end that fanned out into a disc. Butt plugs. But not just any butt plugs. “What are those?” Esther asked innocently.

Whimpers and mumbled words from the wet dreamers around the room created a sexy ambiance as they talked. “Magical batteries, they’ll let us store more energy than just Brian and I have naturally. Even our capacities won’t be enough for what we’re planning.”

“How do we use them?”

“Bend over.”

Esther bent over Brian’s lap again, not even asking more questions. She was starting to trust them, or at least, trust the way they were making her feel. Sam grabbed her butt and thighs and felt her up. Her body was firm and strong, but still soft like a woman’s tended to be.

Enough of this virginal exploration shit, it was time to accelerate the pace. Sam pressed her hands together like she was giving thanks, then pushed them in between Esther’s inner thighs. Then she firmly pulled them apart, making Esther move her knees out so that her ass was spread.

She could finally see her pussy slit, wet and pink. Above that was a tight asterisk of an asshole, all in a nest of body hair. She whispered a spell that, well, cleaned things up for anal. Then she spit. Esther yelped from Brian’s lap. Bullseye. “What are you doing?” she exclaimed.

“Getting you lubed up.” With that she put in a finger. Esther recoiled, but Sam pressed her hand forwards up against her ass to keep her from pulling away.

“Ah, that place isn’t.. It’s not…,” Brian popped the head of his cock into her mouth, she quickly got to work on it, the rest of her sentence forgotten. He had turned on Siren’s Call now, he was looking real nice at the moment. She distracted herself by slowly working her finger back and forth inside Esther’s hole. There was no more resistance. Her aura was flaring up all over the place. Breaking taboos seemed like a turn on for her.

Two fingers, three, Esther began to make lustful noises around the cock in her mouth as she was penetrated in her unholy place. She mumbled dirty talk, Sam caught “sin,” and “naughty.” At last, she slid in the buttplug. Esther gasped and reached back to feel it. “It’s inside me.” She uttered the obvious statement with wonder. The shiny black disc covered the spot where her scrunchy asshole used to be.

Sam took the opportunity to suck on her own plug, then slip it inside. Her hole didn’t need quite as much coaxing. She wasn’t the biggest fan of anal, but she loved having her ass filled with a toy. The problem was, her other holes were feeling left out. Her gaze shifted towards the large cock in the room. Then the guy attached to it cast a spell.

“Somnium deambulatio,” he spoke, and blasted a young woman who was asleep on top of a mystery novel with a swirl of sandy smoke. Oh yeah, she’d completely forgotten about the second part of the plan. She beckoned to Esther as the sleeping woman rose up and blinked open her eyes. She took in the naked threesome without a hint of concern.

It was a sleepwalking spell. The girl would think she was still in a wet dream. While she stared at Brian like a horny zombie, Sam gave Esther a look, then kissed her on the mouth, passionately. She was overflowing with lust at this point, and Esther had things that could fill her holes too.

The platinum blonde responded by squeezing Sam’s ass and tits, finally she was taking some initiative. She pushed herself up against Sam’s body, they groped each other in a frenzy, full movie sex scene style. Meanwhile, Brian was getting to know his dream girl.

The mystery novel fan was cute. A short, college-aged girl with ebony skin and a mess of black braids. She was heavy, but it suit her. She shed her clothes in front of Brian with glazed over eyes. He watched with cock in hand as she revealed a thick, dark, curvy body.

She walked forwards on her knees and started sucking Bryan off. Now here was a girl with experience. She massaged his balls with one hand and worked his shaft back and forth with the other, making loud throat noises as she took his cock as far back as it would go, her lips tight around its girth.

Suddenly, Sam felt a slight vibration in her ass. The buttplugs were beginning to absorb Lust energy. Little wisps were coming off of all the dreamers in the room, and bigger streams were being siphoned from Esther and now the mystery novel reader. The more they filled up the more they would vibrate.

She leaned back and shoved Esther’s head down towards her pussy. “It’s so smooth and shaved,” she said, and then, “Is that a piercing? You’re so, so different.” She kissed Sam’s vagina, then started to lick and explore. Good, now she could lean back and enjoy the view, Brian looked like he was ready to cum already.

But first, time to get some more dick in here, she scanned the room and made her selection. She let her own sandy spell fly and an older man rose from his spot in front of a catalogue computer. He had wire-frame glasses, salt-and-pepper stubble, and a string of drool at the corner of his mouth. He took in the scene and immediately pulled down his pants.

“Hey daddy, my friend needs some help,” Sam gestured towards the prone woman eating her out. Esther’s head was deep between her legs, she had a nice view of a perky ass beyond the mess of silver hair.

The man shuffled forwards and grabbed the tempting bottom. Esther let out an “MMmm” and pressed up in response. That’s the spirit. Sam watched as the man got to his knees and shoved a veiny, banana shaped cock into Esther. “Yes, fuck me stranger, fuck me hard,” she growled. The vibrating butt plug’s intensity increased as Sam watched the man hump Esther’s behind hard. She felt the impact of each thrust through the woman’s body up against her legs. The tongue in her pussy was sending warm waves of ecstasy up her belly.

In the distance, Brian had progressed with the girl with the braids. He was fucking her on a chair, with her legs sticking out to either side of him. Blue converse shoes bobbed up and down as he pounded her. “Give me that fat fucking cock.” she pleaded as he penetrated her deep in between thick thighs.

Back down at her legs, Esther had given up on Sam’s pussy, she was on all fours and leaning back into the stubbled man’s humps now. Her eyes were closed. Sam got up, grabbed her tits, and kissed her as the man came. With a groan, he pulled out his dick and let cum drip over her ass. Sam crawled over and cleaned it up for them. She eagerly licked up the slightly salty, warm liquid.

Another sleepwalking spell exploded from Brian, he was beckoning an older, well-dressed asian woman who looked like a college professor. She let her red blouse fall to floor to reveal a tight, age-defying body and bent down to attend to his balls while he fucked his first selection. He couldn’t have picked two sluts more different. Somehow, he hadn’t cummed yet.

Meanwhile, the stubbled man was spent, Sam blasted some red-headed kid in a hoodie next. He blinked a few times and pulled off his clothes to reveal a skinny, freckled body and a skinny pink dick. Hmm, this one could use a modification. While Esther watched Brian with her fingers on her clit and enjoyed her anal vibrations, Sam cast a quick spell.

The kid walked forwards, grabbed Esther’s head, and slapped her face with two dicks. A clone of his first one sat above his balls and below the original, making a double decker set of genitals. She only stared for a few seconds before she got to work on the higher one. Sam came over to work on the lower.

Their heads pressed up against each other as they both angled them to get at the stiffening dicks. Sam looked up at the kid seductively with his second tip in her mouth and he grabbed her hair in response. He put a hand on each of their heads and guided them as they blew his twin dicks.

Before he came, Sam pulled on his arm and coaxed him onto the floor. His dicks stood straight up, parallel to the ground. Sam put her hands on his chest as she sat on the lower dick, easily taking it all. She straddled the kid with her knees bent so that her lower legs were flat on the floor and her thighs were squashed up against his waist. Then she beckoned to Esther.

The Hunter stood over the second dick and lowered herself while facing Sam. She slowly slid into position, tight against Sam’s body, her ass facing the kid’s head. Her legs fit over Sam’s hips. He now had a dick in each of them. They were pussy to pussy on his two hard cocks.

Sam started to gyrate, both stimulating the cock inside her and grinding up against Esther’s clit. She responded in kind, with the addition of embracing Sam and kissing her neck. Their tits squished against each other as they explored each other’s tongues. The kid underneath them was doing his best to thrust under their combined bodyweight. She heard him slap Esther’s ass a few times as her insides squeezed his cock. Sam’s body felt like it was melting under the warm pleasure from below and in front.

The guy started to cum, his cocks spurted in unison. She watched Esther get cummed in as she was herself. They awkwardly dismounted, bumping into each other and finding the guy fast asleep again when they untangled themselves.

Just in time for Brian’s climax. He was fucking the Asian woman now. She held onto his arms as he jammed his cock into her small body. Her breasts were tiny, but they still jiggled with each strong thrust. She whined as he fucked her silly. The woman with the braids was rubbing the Asian woman’s clit and stroking the part of Brian’s shaft that wouldn’t fit.

After several more thrusts, he pulled out and cummed all over both of them. Long white ropes caked their breasts and stomachs. They both fell back asleep. They were back to just Sam, Brian and Esther, and they weren’t done yet.

Sam walked forwards, got to her knees, and did her best to get Brian hard after just cumming. Esther followed suit. They nursed his dick with enthusiasm while he stood over them. They were becoming quite the team. It wasn’t long before he was back at 100%. Sam was deepthroating him and Esther still had plenty of shaft to lick and stroke. His Siren’s Call was intoxicating. Sam was very turned on, especially after watching him destroy two random whores.

“Fuck my brains out,” she told him. Then she turned around and presented her pussy. Esther continued playing follow the leader, and got on all fours right next to her. Their asses were lined up for Brian to choose from. The buttplugs were going crazy. The vibrations sent waves of pleasure throughout Sam’s entire lower body.

She felt the sensation of a giant dick finding its way into her entrance. Then she felt the sensation of a giant dick penetrating her deep, then fucking her. She moaned entirely on instinct, not even putting it on a little. The raw satisfaction of being plowed married wonderfully with the high octane vibration of the toy in her ass. Brian really filled her up like no one else could. Her body molded to his girth. Her pussy was as wet as it ever got. Hard, blissful fucking. Then he switched.

Esther already looked knocked out from the plug. She wasn’t ready for the monster lining up behind her. When he slowly entered, she made an “O” face Sam wouldn’t have thought her capable of. He was only a third of the ways in when she put her hand back to stop him. “Fuck. It’s so much,” she gasped.

He paused, and worked that first third back and forth. Sam reached under and fondled Esther’s swaying titties as she got comfortable with the girth. She visibly shuddered, from Sam’s wandering hands, the buttplug, Brian’s huge dick, or more likely, the combination of all three. “Ok. Deeper. Push it deeper.”

Brian was quick to obey. He got in more than halfway this time, and picked up the pace. Sam sneaked over to the point of penetration, and watched Brian’s thick snake disappear into a pink, hairy slit between two firm ass cheeks, then dart back out. She stuck a finger into her own pussy and slapped Esther’s ass. Their little sidekick was taking Brian like a champ.

“Oooh fuck yes,” she moaned. Esther was cumming, in a very big way. Her legs twitched around the pole buried in her, she fell to her elbows as girl juice leaked out from around Brian’s beige shaft. Sam was about to cum from her own frantic fingers just watching. Brian stopped holding back. He turned into a beast as he thrust again and again.

“Fuck. Fuck me, I’m gonna cum Esther,” he gasped as he busted inside of her. Girl cum mixed with thick white semen. Esther looked on the edge of consciousness as Brian pulled out mid orgasm, spraying the rest of his load over Esther’s back and Sam’s waiting tongue.

Chapter 12

This was it. They were full to the brim with Lust energy and at the motel Sebastian had specified. Brian took a deep breath as he walked across the parking lot and up to the the door of room 26. He knocked and waited. The words for the spell he’d learned last night swirled around his head along with doubts, fears, and thoughts of Abby.

Through all of the craziness of the last hours he hadn’t stopped worrying about the girl who’d always come up to talk to him after Mrs. Park’s chemistry class. The girl who owned his heart. He tried to shake it all off, he needed a clear head.

The room beyond the door offered no response to his knock, turning the doorknob revealed that it was unlocked. One lingering thought gave him hope. Before all this had started, he hadn’t even had the courage to talk to girls. Now he was doing this. He took one last, deep breath.

Brian stepped into what waited, knowing it was a trap.


This was it. Sam watched Brian disappear into the darkness of room 26, then checked the DRD in her hands. It wasn’t pointing in his direction, but at the room to the left. Esther had said that Sebastian would pull some shit like this. Luckily, his blood had gotten on her white Hunter’s uniform, and a red-dotted strip made the perfect DNA receptacle to put in the device.

So, the bastard was hiding in the room over. Interesting. He had some surprises up his sleeve, but so did they. Namely the fact that he didn’t know that Sam existed yet. She snuck up to the door of room 25 in Brian’s wake, paying close attention to the arrow on the glowing screen in her hands. It looked like he was close to the wall between the two rooms.

The final part of their deal with Esther was the trickiest. They were not allowed to fatally harm Sebastian. And they wouldn’t, not exactly. No matter what, her, Brian and Abby came first. Esther was hanging back anyways, refusing to fight her brother directly.

To Sam, this was some kind of redemption. Proof that she wasn’t just a loose cannon and a shitty witch. For once she was confronting the consequences of her actions. The door wasn’t locked, stupid of him. She cracked it open and slipped inside.


So far, room 26 was just an empty motel room. A lamp cast yellow light over a bed with a plaid comforter. The beige carpet had a few stains, it wasn’t the nicest place in town. Every part of Brian was tensed, something was going to happen, he just didn’t know w-

“Fuck!” he cried as his left leg gave out. A crippling pain radiated from his thigh. He looked down to sees a thin crucifix buried in it. He put his hands around the wood and immediately recoiled, even the smallest nudge caused new waves of pain. He looked around desperately for his attacker and found a slit in the wall opposite the bed.

Sebastian was in the room over, of course. Brian used his good leg to lunge around the old, CRT television and get out of view of the waist-height slit. His heart was racing, adrenaline coursed through his veins. Sebastian must have launched the crucifix as a projectile somehow. Shit, it really hurt, the adrenaline was the only thing keeping him lucid.

As his mind raced and his breath heaved, the wood seemed to develop a slight golden glow. Oh no, it was doing something more. He felt the same terrible feeling he’d felt on Abby’s apartment floor. His magical energy was being drained.


Sam took two sights in immediately. Abby, worse for wear and tied to a bedpost, who looked at her and began struggling against her bonds with a shocked face, and a giant man with a crossbow peering through a hole in the wall.

As she watched, he pulled the trigger and let off a peculiar looking arrow. It disappeared with the quick sound of air being cut. She heard Brian scream in the room over. Oh shit, it was now or never.

“Hey you fat virgin dickbag, fuck you.” His head whipped around just as she let the spell she’d prepared in the parking lot fly. Yellow and red streamers of smokey energy showered him, then mostly bounced back off. His clothes? Had he gotten them blessed or something? Before she could react he was bursting from the wake of her spell like a linebacker.

The impact of his body on hers was like nothing Sam had ever felt. She flew back and crashed into a bedside table. Her mind went completely blank for a second. The wind was knocked out of her completely. There was a strange, eye of the hurricane feeling for a second as all her senses were dulled and she forgot where she was, she saw a flash of orange. Then her breath came back along with her wits.

Orange? Oh yeah, that potion! The orange vial Betsy had gifted to Abby had fallen off of the bedside table and landed next to her. She desperately grabbed at it as Sebastian’s towering form loomed above her.


He had to help, had to get to them. Drops of blood trailed behind him as he limped and dragged his way back towards the room over. He grimaced at the sound of a large crash. He grabbed the doorframe and heaved himself back outside. The door to room 25 was ajar, he was so close.


A large, strong hand ripped the potion from her grasp and tossed it aside. Shit. She reached into her boot and pulled out a small dagger. Her last defense. She swung out desperately and felt it stick on something.

“Curse you,” bellowed the man in white. He held his bleeding finger and looked down at her with a gaze of such vitriol that even she cowered beneath it. She was in a corner, backed up against the bedside table. He reached down and squeezed her wrist so hard she thought it would break, she dropped the dagger immediately.

It was over, this guy was going to punch her in the face and that would be the last thing she ever felt. She opened her mouth to get one last quip in, and then a strong, thick, pink rope of muscle appeared around his wound back arm. It looped around twice and yanked him back, so hard that he spun around. Mara? Impossible.

Sam rubbed her eyes and took in her savior, it wasn’t the purple Demon.


Brian wasn’t prepared for what waited beyond the door. He saw Sam, holding her wrist and hunkered down in the corner, he saw Sebastian, spinning and crashing over the bed and onto the floor. Then he saw Abby, beaten, bruised, with messy hair and glasses askew, and standing tall with two pink tentacles sprouting from her shoulder blades, and an empty potion vial at her feet. She was topless, her shirt torn from the tentacles, but no less stoic, her small body triumfant above the giant one on the floor.

“Abby!” he did his best to shout her name, then his vision went black. When he came back to reality she was leaning above him with a beautiful, very concerned face. “Pull it out,” was all he could say before he slipped back out of consciousness.


Did he just pass out? Sam stood and quickly found her dagger, she racked her brains for a spell. Abby saw Brian, and her heroic pose melted. She rushed over and knelt at his side. Sam tried to speak a spell and yell at Abby to pay attention at the same time, her words came out garbled. Fuck, Sebastian was getting back up from the floor.

Abby used one of her new tentacles as a tourniquet, and wrapped the other around the wooden bolt in Brian’s leg. Was she really playing medic now? Sam finally managed to get out a spell, a localized version of their wet dream enchantment. Maybe she could put Sebastian to sleep.

But before she got a chance to try, a sharp hissing sound stole her attention. Sebastian had thrown something that looked like a large, white, plastic grenade into the middle of the room, and it was rapidly leaking white vapor. She had about a three seconds to worry if it was tear gas before the entire motel room was foggy.

She squinted and tried to keep her eyes on Sebastian through the fog. No, not tear gas. It was… something else. She felt weak at the knees, her spell seemed to slide away from her aura. With every breath she felt sleepier, and less magical. Holy water, she realized, it was vaporized holy water.


The gut-wrenching pain brought him back. Abby was tearing the crucifix from his leg. He almost threw up, he almost told her to stop, but she was holding his hands in hers, and that kept him from losing it. Finally, it was gone, and he felt his aura flow freely.

“I knew you’d come,” Abby was saying above him, tears streaming down her face. “Just hold on, I’ll help you.” Wisps of white were curling around her neck, funny. Brian was too much in shock to worry about it.

He smiled up at her. “I’m sorry,” he started to say, the mist was enveloping both of them now. “I’m so sorry I got you caught up in this.” She leaned down and hugged him. He knew he was forgiven. Her tentacles were turning to ash in the ghostly air. Her tentacles were…

“Sebastian!” he yelled, finally coming to his senses. A large, menacing silhouette was approaching through the thick fog. Whatever the gas was, he felt it stifling his magic. Man, he just couldn’t get a break. At least he’d alerted Abby, she was turning around and facing the danger. He was so weak, so tired, losing blood without the tourniquet. Abby didn’t have her tentacles anymore. She didn’t stand a chance. He reached towards her with a shaking hand.


“Mommy what is that?” her tiny, caramel-colored hand darted up and urgently tugged on the sleeve hanging above her.

“It’s fog my sweety.” She loved how her mom spoke english, it was different. In school she learned what it was called, an accent. Mommy had an accent.

“What’s fog?” she asked as she licked her pistachio ice cream. The white wall in the distance looked to her like the end of the world. Like the park must have stopped right then and if she were to keep walking everything would just be pure white.

“It is just water honey. Water in the air.”

Well, the water in the air made everything feel dreamy. She did not like it. She wanted to see the whole park.

Sam opened her eyes, or closed them? Was she still dreaming? Fog, there was fog. Something in the fog. Something that made her afraid. Something that could help them was in her pocket. She reached down and felt two round objects. Brian needed these, where was he? She turned her head around in the wispy white air, not sure which direction was which.

There, on the floor, a prone form, it seemed like the right size. She threw the objects. Good. That was good. Now she could sleep again, she was so sleepy.


The buttplugs hit him in the side. He had a blood soaked section of his shirt over his mouth, it seemed like it was filtering out the fog just a little bit, enough to keep him awake. Abby had disappeared. He heard crashes, yells, then, a ray of clarity. Someone had shot another crucifix and it blazed a trail of clear air through the fog. A trail that ended at a body, a large body, thank god.

Abby was amazing! She’d hit him. Sebastian’s yells vibrated in his ears. He picked up the plugs and sensed their stored energy. Energy that existed outside of his constricted aura. Wait a second. This was it. He just needed to gather the strength.

With a monumental effort, an effort charged with the knowledge that Abby and Sam had already done their part, that this could be the final blow, an effort compounded by all that the last few weeks had taught him, Brian got to his feet. Painfully, he balanced on his good leg. He spoke the spell that they’d dug up from Betsy’s ancient collection. He spoke it without a waver in his voice, and without trembling hands. For once, he was pure confidence. “Ultima ex libidine release,” he commanded.

Immediately, he felt all the stored energy in both of the plugs get sucked into his fingers. His heart rate skyrocketed. The button on his jeans literally flew off as his cock burst out of his pants. It looked larger than it had ever been, ridiculously large, almost like a bazooka. Violet aural energy was spinning around it rapidly, blowing away the fog in his vicinity.

His insides seemed to be transforming as well, he felt a building in his pelvis that was one thousand fold what it had ever been before. His body was a sexual weapon, a priming, lusty, rocket launcher. His eyes rolled into the back of his head.

Then he wasn’t in the motel anymore. He didn’t think he was flashing into some throne room from the past either. He was in a garden, looking at a girl with long pink hair and green eyes.

“Brian! I found you.” She gave him a big smile. She was short and just a little plump, with dirt dusted hands and a witch costume. Well, it probably wasn’t a costume. She wore the classic pointed witch’s hat with a black dress that ended in a short frilly skirt, revealing long legs that were mostly covered with green and black striped stockings.

“I was just doing some gardening.” She was holding a basket of corkscrew-shaped, sky-blue plants that he had never seen before. Somehow, her voice sounded mature and wise, even though she didn’t look a day over 20.

“Where am I?” he asked. His leg seemed to be healed, and he no longer felt sedated from the mist.

“You’re at my place in Witchtown, well, your aura is.”

“Ok, uh, that doesn’t really…”

“Oh, you’re confused. Let me explain. My name is Phoebe, I taught your mistress everything she knows.”

He nodded tentatively. “I knew Betsy must have had a teacher.”

“Yes, I’ll tell you some stories of what she got up to as an apprentice sometime.” She took one of the plants out of the basket and bit into it. Blue liquid dribbled down her chin. She held one out towards him, he shook his head.

“I’ve been keeping an eye on you Brian, watching your progress. I see most things. I wasn’t very surprised when Betsy came asking for help. Quite a pickle you’ve gotten yourself into over there.” She let out a girly giggle. “But your aura was blocked, I couldn’t see you until an hour ago, at a library.” She gave him a knowing look and he averted his eyes in embarrassment.

“But then imagine my shock,” she clenched her hands over her heart, “when you disappeared from my radar again! I smell it on you now, you were touched by divine magic. Nasty, nasty stuff.” She seemed to flit between girlish immaturity and sage-like knowledge on a dime. “But then I felt you again, and me oh my it was such a strong signal that I figured we could drop in and have a little chat.”

“I thought you couldn’t communicate between Earth and Witchtown?”

“Oh you can’t, I’m on Earth with Betsy right now, driving towards the motel. We’re not quite in the real Witchtown, this is a just a construct I made out of aural energy, it was something familiar to me.”

“Ok, but why? Why waste time chatting?”

“Well, two things Brian. First, time doesn’t move the same here, all this conversation and it’s been only a nanosecond on Earth. Second, there’s a teensy problem with your spell.”

“What do you mean?”

“There’s a reason we teach our apprentices, and don’t just give them the books. You are still quite unwise in the ways of magic. The spell you just cast is an ancient and powerful one. Yes, you are at a level that allows you to cast it, but it requires more aural capacity then you currently have at your disposal, usually a full team of Magi would support such a spell.

“But the-”

“The battery artifacts were clever, but you were drained by the holy water.”

“So… what does that mean?”

“You are going to dry up and die.”

“Oh.” Brian felt numb, did she really bring him here just to let him know how badly he’d fucked up.

“Don’t get all mopey about it. You just have to make up the deficit, then you’ll be fine.” So there was hope.

“How?” he asked.

“Silly boy, haven’t you learned anything?” She clapped her hands, and he was naked. A second clap and he was no longer in the peaceful garden, but on a cliff made of purple stone, the sky was a dark red, and Phoebe was hundreds of feet tall.

Her breasts were across from the edge, like cliffs of their own, and Brian was about the size of her nose. Her hat was a black mountain above him, her hair a pink waterfall. She curled her gargantuan lips into a little “o” and blew a puff of air on him. It pushed him back two steps, ruffling his hair.

“This is the power of a fully developed Lust Magi Brian.” Her voice boomed and rumbled like thunder. She picked him up in a huge, manicured fist. His stomach dropped, he felt like he was on a jerky elevator as she brought him up to her eye. Her dark pupil was as big as the plastic pools he played in as a kid.

As he stared into it, the giant green ring of an iris began to flash colors. Purple, yellow, red, blue, just like that first time he’d met Betsy. Faster and faster until it seemed like every color at once. He was mesmerized. Images appeared in his mind.

He saw Betsy, biting her lip and fucking him with her eyes. He saw Sam’s big ass bouncing on his dick while she talked dirty in her leather outfit, Betsy’s perfect boobs revealed from underneath her fuzzy robe, Sam and Esther side-by-side and on all-fours, lined up for his waiting cock, Betsy’s sweet lips around him, his very first blow job. He saw Abby, tied up on a mattress and lit by candle light. Abby, her head resting on his thigh.

Then he saw himself, leading armies across a field of yellow grass, buried in a pile of sleeping concubines, kissing a tall Demon, its tail wrapped around his back, talking to a shrouded figure with what looked like a fairy on his shoulder. Finally, Phoebe ripped him away from the grasp of the eye, and threw him into the air.

He couldn’t breath from the acceleration, everything was blur. For just a moment he was floating, the red sky all around him, then he was free falling. He screamed, he’d never been one to scream much, even on roller coasters or in haunted houses. But he screamed. Below him, Phoebe’s giant face was smiling, and then, opening its mouth?

He fell straight towards her waiting gullet. He whipped past two white rows of teeth, his vision filled with red. And then, somehow, he didn’t feel an impact. All he felt was warmth and wetness against his naked skin. It was strangely comforting, and they stayed like that for a length of time that could have been seconds or minutes, then he was somewhere else again.

Phoebe was normal size again. They were in his room. The same place where he’d first seen the impossible, where he’d woken up and had his big initiation into a new world of magic. If only he’d known where it would take him. Phoebe was on him bed, reading a book. His book, an anthology of Fantasy stories.

“Boring stuff,” she tossed it aside, “you brought us here you know, I gave you control. Anyways, I’ve had my fun, fuck me.”

His head was still spinning at record breaking speeds. He wasn’t sure if he’d heard her right. “W-what?”

“Come on, we have to get that aural energy back up. Fuck me.” She pulled up her skirt to show him orange panties with a cartoon pig’s head on the front.

Well, if his life depended on it. He walked forwards and pulled the panties to the side, revealing a cute, puffy pussy with a landing strip of pink hair between her high stockings. She dragged down her dress to show him good-sized tits that spilled over her front like udders. He reached forwards and grabbed one of them, his dick going from dangling between his legs to pressing up against the side of the bed.

He couldn’t tell if the way she was looking at him was truly incredibly eager, or just sarcastic. He didn’t care much either way. He looked back into those captivating eyes as they egged him on and pulled his cock up to rest on the bed. It pointed towards the pink landing strip like a boeing 737 coming in from flight.

She lifted it up, not with her hands, but with her small, stocking clad feet. She slowly rubbed back and forth over his shaft. He wasn’t a big feet guy, but he was enjoying it. She incorporated her lower legs, they felt warm and soft as they massaged his massive tool. He put his hands on his hips and let her calves do their magic.

Her hands stayed on her pussy as she played with him, dipping in and out, circling her clit. There was no question that she was enjoying it now. “Mmm, I never get tired of Warlock cock.”

He tried to pull her legs towards him and she held up a finger. “Not yet.” Her feet continued to tease him. He stared longingly at her pussy, now very wet. She pulled a finger from inside herself and stuck it in her mouth, sucking it while looking into his eyes. She was driving him crazy.

Finally, she let his dick drop to the bed. Even the landing on the soft comforter send a little wave of pleasure up his spine. She spread her legs wide, giving him permission to take the prize. He leaned down, put his arms under her thighs, and pulled her forwards towards the edge of the bed with animal voracity. It creaked as her body weight shifted.

He held the orange panties to the side and ran the swollen, purple head of his cock up Phoebe’s slit until he found her hole. Her natural lube made his entrance easy. She bunched up the covers of the bed in her hands as he penetrated her. It was the best pussy he’d ever felt, not that he had the biggest data set. The perfect combination of tight pressure, slippery wetness, texture, and warmth.

Not only that, it took his full 11” monster without a hitch. He was beginning to develop a bit of a fetish for how deep he could get inside a woman, and he was completely buried in this one. Her thin, pink patch was right above his dick, paralleling its path inside her. His fat balls were snug against her curvy ass and thighs.

“What are you waiting for Brian?” she twirled her hair with one hand and lightly slapped her clit with the other, seemingly nonplussed by the skewering taking place.

Oh, was he boring her? Fine, he’d give her something to react to. He pulled back, ready to go all out, and his body didn’t respond. He couldn’t move away, his dick was completely stuck. Phoebe laughed, “gotcha.” Then her pussy began doing the fucking.

It was hard to explain, but powerful vaginal muscles were somehow pushing and pulling his dick and his entire body. All he could do was lean back and enjoy the ride. Phoebe was rolling her whole figure along with the motions. He admired the creases between her spread thighs and chubby pussy, the plump ass that supported the whole operation. Her body was the perfect mix of thick and petite. Truly an example of the phrase, “curves in all the right places.” It paired very well with her cute face and cotton-candy locks that curled around her boobs.

His dick felt like it was in some sort of pleasure machine. It was only because of how tantalizingly slow the pace was that he hadn’t cummed buckets. His rock hard shaft entered and exited the magic pussy at a constant, deliberate pace. Things tightened and loosened, rubbed and tugged, stimulated every part of his long penis.

At the next clash of their bodies, Phoebe shifted herself up and partially off of the bed, almost into his arms. Brian knew exactly what to do. He lifted her up into the air, holding her by the crook of her knees, her pussy still full of his cock. She leaned over and bit his ear. The insane pussy grip relaxed, giving him control back.

Magic was afoot, because Brian knew he wouldn’t be able to support her entire body this well normally. She was just light enough that he could hoist her up and down on his shaft. Just light enough that he could fuck her brains out in mid air. He pulled back, lifted her up, then thrusted deep up into her body, relishing the feeling of penetration. He had the power back, and now she was his personal fuck toy.

He fucked her like only this difficult position allowed. For the first time she made an overt noise of pleasure. A high moan escaped her lips right next to his ear as he used her body. A wet smack of skin on skin sounded with every thrust. Her tits were smashed against his chest, her arms wrapped around him tight for support. Now she was the one hanging on for the ride.

Without anything to hold him back, an orgasm was rapidly approached. Brian was sure his legs would give out, he didn’t care, he pulled Phoebe close for the release. “Fuck, fuck.” He was about to unload a gallon of cum.

“Good luck Brian.” Huh, he barely registered the whisper in the heights of lust, he was finally-

Back in the foggy motel room, and in the midst of unleashing their secret weapon. Now, with the last drops of energy it needed to leave him alive, the spell progressed. The violet tornado around his mega-dick reached speeds that sent gusts of wind out in all directions. His clothes literally flew off of him, ripped away by the wind and magical forces.

The fog cleared away, revealing Abby, Sam and Sebastian, the last of whom was staring down the barrel of the gun. He had a crucifix bolt in his shoulder, and seemed to be mesmerized by the vortex of energy expanding around Brian. The Hunter began to scream, his mouth was the only moving part of his body, magically frozen in the path of the of the flesh artillery.

His voice boomed over the sounds of ripping wind, it seethed with rage as he chanted a desperate incantation. “MOST GLORIOUS PRINCE IN THE HEAVENLY ARMIES. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, DEFEND US IN OUR BATTLE AGAINST THE RULERS OF THIS WORLD OF DARKNESS.”

Complementary colors joined the violet, Brian knew his eyes would be flashing rainbow as fast as Phoebe’s giant ones had. Ribbons of color burst away from him, smokey globes orbited his body.


He was somewhere in between ultimate sensation and complete numbness. Sam and Abby were watching with awe. He wasn’t quite sure, but he thought his feet had literally left the ground by several inches. Then,



The climax of climaxes. The superlative release.

Brian imagined that this was what a honey bee might feel during its last moments, right as it pumped away its toxins in its once-a-life sting, or what a championship weightlifter would feel right after breaking the world record for the deadlift, maybe what it would feel like to orgasm for the first time in your life and the last time in your life at once.

A fire hydrant blast of cum came out of him. It hit Sebastian at mach force, pinning him to the motel wall and tearing away his clothes. Magic kept Brian from flying backwards or losing control. His dick stayed steady for thirty seconds of something beyond bliss. Normal pleasure was to 2D what this was to 3D, and the strangest and most unfamiliar property of the transcendent feeling was that he was completely lucid. Everything seemed simple and clear, he was as level-headed as he’d ever been amidst mind-blowing ecstasy. It was the moment of orgasm combined with the moment right after, he realized.

The giant man in white was still somehow spitting words out, only the hard points of his body could be spotted through the constant dowsing of cloudy-white; a white elbow here and a white forehead there. “AS SMOKE IS… DRIVEN AWAY… SO ARE THEY DRIVEN… AS…. WAX MELTS BEFORE THE FIRE… SO THE WICKED PER-”

And Sebastian was gone. Just gone, his body plucked from existence from behind the shroud of pearly liquid. All that was left was a copious amount of cum. Brian was drained to the last drop. His dick hung limp.


Sam watched Brian stand stock still for a second, then fall to his knees, then onto his side, then close his eyes. Yeah, she’d be out cold after that too. She was pretty much coated in cum, and she’d just been on the sidelines, but who fucking cared. It was over. They’d won.

She let out a woop and ran over to slap Abby on the back. Even the shy girl in the glasses couldn’t help but let out a sheepish smile before quickly moving to Brian’s side to check on him. Just then, two people burst into the room. A tall, dark-haired one, and a short, pink-haired one.

Motherfuck, there went her eyes again. She ran right up to Betsy and gave her a bear hug. “I’m the worst apprentice in the world and I’m sorry,” her voice came out quick and muffled from against Betsy’s chest.

“Sam, oh Sam.” Betsy put her hand on her head and stepped back to look at her tear streaked face. She had dark bags under her eyes, but she was smiling warmly. “I was way too harsh. I forgot what it’s like to be a young Witch. You’re learning, and that’s all I ever wanted from you.”

The words almost made Sam cry more. She was so stupid for being jealous, for thinking that Betsy didn’t want her. “Oops, I got cum all over you.”

“I see that.”

“Holy heavens, you certainly picked some unruly apprentices Bets,” the short girl in the over-the-top Witch garb spoke up as she surveyed the damaged, spooge covered room. “I’m Phoebe by the way.”

Sam shook the girls hand, using her left one to avoid aggravating her throbbing right wrist. She felt just a little star-struck. This was the level 10 Witch that Betsy always talked about? Her mistress’s mistress?

“Hey, um, Brian needs help,” Abby’s quiet voice piped up. Oh shit, she’d forgotten that he’d been stabbed. Betsy took charge immediately, and Sam was happy to let her take the reins back.

“Abby you’re doing well, keep pressure on the wound. Sam, call an ambulance. Phoebe, help me clean up this mess,” she directed.

Sam did call the ambulance. But she dialed another number right after. She walked outside, where it was still lightly snowing, and half-hoped for a voicemail greeting, nope.

“Hey mom it’s Samantha. Uh, where do I start. Oh, dinner with the family sounds good. Just no fucking feijoada, you know I hate it. Sorry for swearing. Anyways, um, I’m sorry.”

One minute later and her mom was ranting about this and that, her work, her friends, asking Sam if she was dating anybody, it was like they’d never even been fighting. She was welcomed back in an instant. Sam couldn’t help but smile in the snowflakes.


Brian blinked open his eyes to that scene in the movies. The one where the protagonist wakes up in a hospital bed and all the other characters are leaning over them, and they go, “I had the strangest dream, you were in it, and you were in it, and you…” But this was real. He was Dorothy. He was Frodo, Alice or Harry.

Betsy was the closest to him, and the first to speak. “How do you feel?” She placed a purple-nailed hand on his shoulder.

“I feel good. Uh, better.” He remembered how enamored he’d been with Betsy when she’d walked up to him and asked to use his phone on that cold walk to school. Things felt different now. I mean he was still attracted to her, come on, but she was a mentor, a comforting presence, his magic mom.

“Brian, you and Sam were amazing. I’m so, so proud of both of you,” she said, emotion cracking her voice.

“I’m proud of us too.” Sam was at the foot of the bed, sporting a classic Sam smirk.

“Pretty good,” said Phoebe, lounging on a chair.

There was somebody missing. The person he wanted to see most, in fact. “Hey, where did-”

“BRIAN!” an uncharacteristic shout rang from beyond the hospital doors. And there was Abby, stopped in her tracks, a shiny copy of Cowboyz 3 in her hands. He couldn’t believe she’d remembered their conversation about it after everything.

She ran across the tiled floor, pushing past Sam. Tears welled up behind her glasses. “I was super worried,” she cried, with a hug and a kiss on the nose.

He laughed. “I was too, for the last few days.” Tears were finding their way into his eyes now too.

“But you did it, you saved me.”

We saved you,” Sam chimed in.

“You’re the one that got to the potion, the one that got that cross out of my leg. You saved yourself,” he remarked.

“Huh, I guess kind of did.”

He wasn’t going to pretend he was some knight in shining armor, and you know what, he didn’t need to be. He wasn’t Harry or Alice. He was pretty much just some guy. A guy that fell in love with some girl. A guy that, once upon a time, met a mysterious woman on the street.

A guy that went on some crazy, unlikely, magical adventures, and got real freaky with it.

The End





Esther stared into the purple abyss. Did she really want this? If she didn’t, it was too late to go back. Betsy, Sam and Brian were standing in a triangle formation behind her, chanting in unison. Witches and Warlocks still rubbed her the wrong way. Old habits truly died hard, and as far as she was concerned, they had no honor. Brian and Sam had broken the deal. But she couldn’t fight back, and she couldn’t go home, so this was where she stood: in front of a swirling, magical portal.

She was done dealing with Magi. Demons on the other hand, well, she hadn’t forgotten Mara. She guessed that whatever impact it had left on her had led her to this path. That and the fact that Sebastian was gone. Not even the pink-haired sorcerer knew where, or if he was just dead.

She needed time to unravel her feelings, some time to process things. So instead of an apprenticeship, she’d modified her end of their bargain. Just that they would cast this single spell for her.

She was in only a black t-shirt, black jeans and black boots. A pack with supplies hugged her back, and in her left hand she held a small package. It was time to go. The chanting behind her rose in volume as she took a breath and plunged into the vulvic portal.

Nothing but flashes of pink, purple and green. She begin to panic, afraid that she’d entered a place her body had no way of perceiving, and then, like a camera focusing, her surroundings came into view.

Trees. Dark green trees with goopy, fluorescent green splotches on the trunks. There was movement in some of the branches, she thought she caught naked humanoid forms swinging in the distance. She was in a forest. When she looked up to see where the trees ended, she could not find an answer. The air was still. She felt small. But she was a warrior after all, a runner, a fighter. She got to work.

Later that night, in her makeshift camp, she took a look at the package Sam had placed in her hand right before they’d begun the chanting. There were three things in it. The first was a note:

Hey Esther,

You’re braver than any of us, going out there without knowing what you’ll find. Maybe that says something about the difference between your kind and mine.

Anyways, I know the chances are probably tiny, but if you do run into our mutual friend, tell it I said hi, and also thank you.

Good luck. Sorry if I was a bitch.


The other two items made her smile. A little pink razor and some shaving gel.

The sunset was dark purple, she was pretty sure the very air was an aphrodisiac, and it looked like there were at least three suns. Who knew what tomorrow would bring. Esther made herself comfortable in some long, pink grass. The Realm of Lust didn’t seem like such a bad place to find herself.


“You got everything Bri-Bri?”

“Yeah, wish we had one of those magic bags.”

“Well, you lost it idiot.”

“You’re the one who put an imp inside of it.”

“Apprentices, apprentices, please settle down,” Betsy broke up their argument with her stern, lesson-teaching voice, putting it on in jest as much as for effect. Brian couldn’t believe they were finally making the move. The last few years of college had been such a blur. Mostly due to the fact that he was a Warlock on the side, not to mention in love.

After it all, he’d chosen magic. And it was a choice, he’d found out. At some point, Magi tended to either become normal people with normal jobs, who happened to know some fun tricks, or moved to Witchtown, and left normal behind entirely.

Sam and Betsy were piling bags and suitcases up in the center of the candle filled, weird nude painting adorned, book smattered apartment. The velvet green couch was leaned up against the wall, the comfy recliner had been long replaced.

It was filled with so many memories at this point that Brian saw good times in every dusty nook and cranny.

“Abby is late,” Betsy commented.

“Hey, can you blame her? She’s been a Witch for 3 days now. I’m pretty sure I was drowning in a bathtub of my own pussy juice at a frat house somewhere at that point,” said Sam, ever the poet. She didn’t have the green hair anymore, but she was the same old Sam, albeit a much better Witch. She’d been wanting to move on for a while now, since her mother had passed.

Betsy laughed that wonderful melodious laugh and they all prepared candles in silence for a few minutes. Bets would be happy to see Phoebe again, but Brian thought she would have been happy on Earth too, as long as they were with her. He now knew that she worked as a high-up executive downtown. She’d slept to the top, and only saw the job as a way to support her magic while she was on Earth.

They heard a knock on the door. Three quick taps. Brian pulled it open to greet his fiance. She was different now: makeup, contacts, a bit more pride in the way she held herself, Betsy had seen that she was up to their coven’s style standards, but she was still his sweet Abby. They kissed, and exchanged some banal words about the weather as she threw her luggage onto the pile.

They all held hands. It was cheesy, but none of them cared. Some smokey colors, some silly latin, and that was it. They stepped into Witchtown, which was more of a continent than a town, it turned out. It was the pocket dimension that hosted the larger world of magic, and the majority of the world’s Magi. Magi of all types, not just Lust, that was sure to be interesting.

The marriage of Earth and the Realms of Lust, Wrath, Greed, etc. was said to have been ordained by the very first of the Magi. The result was a land not as untamable and abstract as the Realms, but far more magically potent than Earth. And so on and so on, whatever. As Sam liked to put it, fuck history lessons.

A tall, winding, spire-capped tower that split in the middle to form a crooked wooden “Y” stood out on the horizon, drawing the eye to a host of smaller silhouettes beneath it. The capital, they’d gotten their landing location perfect.

Little fairies flitted around the beautiful green grass in the evening air. It tasted so much cleaner than city air. This was a fresh start, a new adventure, and he couldn’t be happier that he was embarking on it with his three favorite girls.


The man tried to open his eyes for a very long time and he could not. He tried to move his fingers and he tried to open his mouth, he could not. He existed as nothing more than a collection of thoughts for some time. Then he sensed something. Something that wasn’t him. It dangled in front of his awareness.

With all his focus, he latched onto it. He bit it and did not let go. Something he could not remember, some urge, some purpose, it kept his mental grip on the thing strong, and slowly, painfully, like a fish on a line, he was dragged back into reality.

Pins and needles came before sight or sound, and then he could taste the top of his mouth, and then, then he could see again. But he did not know where he was. He saw stars but they were not the stars he knew. When his whole body could move, he did not know where to go. So he wandered for a time and tried to remember how to remember.

Eventually, he found civilization. A tall, two-pronged tower above many other buildings. Perhaps he could ask around, maybe somebody knew who he was? If only he had a name, something to go off of. It was a name he had liked.

Sebastian, that had been his name.


AUTHOR’S NOTE: Whew, it took me a while but I finally finished arc 2. It ended up being twice as long as arc 1, but I’m pretty happy with how things concluded. If I’m being honest, there might only be two arcs. I have ideas for a third one that takes place entirely in Witchtown some time after the epilogue. It would feature the same characters, plus many new ones, and it would be a closer to high fantasy than these first two arcs. However, at least for now, I’m going to move towards writing fiction that isn’t erotic, stuff that I can show to my friends and family, lol. Hope you enjoyed!

Did you like the ending? What didn’t happen in the story that you would have liked to see? How can I improve as a writer? Any critiques or comments would be great.