Religious education

Religious education
I was 17 when it happened. I went to a grammar school in a neighbouring town. When I came into the class room with the others, our Re teacher Mrs. P. greeted us and asked us to sit down.
I sat next to my best friend in the first row. We both disliked the lessons because they were rather dull. I liked Mrs. P., but her teaching wasn’t very good.
Although she was always exact about everything and tried to help us, if we had any questions, her lessons were very boring. Her writing on the board was ferocious and it was difficult to read, which was annoying. On the other hand this meant that her ass wobbled with every word she wrote. Her ass was really the only reason I visited her lessons.
It was big and wonderfully shaped. Her trousers fitted perfectly and I could see the outline of her pussy when she bent over a little as she reached the bottom of the blackboard. I nearly always had a hard on in Re lessons, imagining fucking Mrs. P. Today my fantasy would come true.
Re was the last lesson, so I didn’t have to hurry. I hung back to ask Mrs. P. about a class test I missed and whether she wanted me to do it, or not. I suppose she was already 40 but she still looked good. It turned out, that she wanted to fuck me more than I did her. I hadn’t even finished my first sentence before she grabbed me and pulled me out of the room and into a side room, where school books are kept. Only teachers are allowed in and they too, only use it very seldom.
She locked the door behind us. My mind on the class test, I had no idea what this was all about.
>> Mrs. P.? What is going on? > Shut up and get undressed! > What?!! > I said get undressed > Oh, don’t be silly. > Suck my nipples! > Mmmhhhh….I’ve always wanted to do this! > Me too. > Pull my trousers down! > Oh dear…Look at all this mess. We’ll have to clean up. > Lick it! > Oooooohhhh, yes, just like that! I love it, when a guy doesn’t hesitate to lick ALL my holes. > Oh my god, this tastes so good! > You can do this whenever you want! > Oh yessssssss!!! > Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! YES!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!! UNGH!!! > WOW! A multiple orgasm! I didn’t expect that from a 17 year old, but you’re a natural. She stood up and we embraced, kissing wildly, our tongues licking away aggressively. My cock was between us and it leaked pre cum onto Mrs. P.’s belly. She scooped some of it up with her finger, licked it clean and sniggered.
>> I’ve been dreaming of this for ages. Take me!! Take me hard!! Use me!! Fill your teacher’s pussy with your meat!! > Cum inside me!! Please!! Fuck that mature pussy and cum inside me!!



2010-03-23 23:17:38
you must be the dumbest son of a bitch I’ve ever seen.