our wine party

winning the wine started a whole new life

Have you ever been surfing the world wide web and got to a site and get a bunch of pop ups, well if you’re like me you get out of there fast and run all the cleaners in your computer, or as I’ve found later on that certain programs will keep all them from happening but that was after I sat there and answered one of them and this is the results.
I looked over the pop up; it was asking if I liked or loved wine, I said what the hell so I answered “loved”
And then the next pop up call up and it wondered if you won a barrel of wine, what would you do with it.
Well not knowing how much a barrel had in it and all I typed it in and the results were 300 bottles or 60 gallons of wine.
So I filled out the questionnaire and sent it on its way.
I’d forgotten all about it and mainly didn’t think I’d hear from them because I simply put, I’d throw one hell of a wine party for our neighbors and friends.
I even gave them my, what I call my trash email address and I might look at that one once a week if I’m bored.
Well anyways as you might have guessed I won, I was so cautious though because it was now asking me to call them and it was in New Zealand that I had to call.
My wife suggested to go get a prepaid phone and call from it, if I used all the minutes up with that call who cared and then if they had some way of tracking it, who cared.
I went to the local Walmart and picked one up that I could indeed call there with and damn, you know it’s hard to find a phone plan that will call there.
Well I made the call and they were amused at my response and wanted to know that if I was chosen is that indeed what I’d do with the barrel of wine is share it with all my friends and neighbors and could they in fact take video of the party, I said sure, why not, it’s not like I’d be able to drink that much wine by myself.
The woman assured me that the barrel is sealed and that it would indeed last many years even a few decades before going bad, I said wow, good to know, but no, I wanted to throw one hell of a party and my wife and all our family said they’d be glad to come and help us drink it.
The woman who did sound sweet said well we’ll contact you via email in the next week if we do choose you and thank you for your entry into our contest.
I hung up and even recharged the minutes just in case they called back instead of emailing me.
When I got done I found the email address and actually put it into the non junk mail area so I’d see it faster this time.
So here’s where our party starts, I did indeed win the barrel of wine, they came and sat it up on a stand for easy drinking. They got all the details of the party when they said I won and that they indeed want to video some of it for sales purposes and that someone from the company would probably stay while the entire party was going on but the camera crew would only be there a short time so not to ruin the party and I thanked them for that.
All the arrangements were made, the party was set up for two weeks from now so to give the crew ample time to get here and set up.
All went well and the lovely little lady they sent was very nice on the eyes and my wife Michelle looked at me saying so, what’s with her? I told her and she said ok, but she’s not going to ruin the party by asking a bunch of questions and all is she, I said I don’t think so, I’ll ask her and she assured me she wasn’t.
Well we invited five couples and some single friends out for a party, the company asked me what kind of wine and I said maybe something a bit sweet but not too and I love something like a white zin and they said great, they had just the wine for me.
The little ladies name is Jackie; she is maybe 5’3” tall maybe 100 lbs soaking wet with small tits and a great smile.
We were all set up with cheeses, crackers, meats, veggies and some fruits for this party to kick off right.
I build a huge pit fire for atmosphere and it was a great night, the temperature as good and all was set up.
When the guests arrived I handed them a glass and pointed to the barrel, saying enjoy, we have extra beds if you can’t make it home and they all laughed at that.
The party started getting good around 10, it started at 7.
By the time that wonderful tasting wine had hit bottom we were all feeling it and some went home early but the diehard people stayed and that’s when it was fun.
We had Ava and Gab, they’re our neighbors to our left, then Terry and Jack, they live across the street and then Linda and Nick, they live on the other side of our town and they work with Michelle.
Plus Jackie and another couple that worked with Michelle but they stayed with Linda and Nick all the time.
The unfriendly couple left at 11, and Linda and Nick shortly after that leaving our close friends and Jackie.
Now we had maybe put a small dent into the barrel, too bad this thing didn’t come with a fuel gauge or something and Jackie laughed saying maybe a drunkard gauge would be a better name and we all celebrated the new name of the gauge by drinking another glass.
Jackie was putting a serious amount of it down and by midnight no one was feeling any pain or cared if they did.
We guys broke off from the ladies around 11 or just after of course and the ladies were over by the fire staying warm, hell the wine was doing that for us guys we said and we stayed by the barrel, to protect it is what we said.
Now Ava and Gab or Gabriele is his rightful name, she’s about the same height as Jackie but she’s got nicer tits, they just moved into our little community a few months earlier and I’ve been wanting to get to know them and found out she’s a party animal according to Gab.
Terry and Jack, I’ve known them the longest, they moved in about 10 years ago and I’ve been close friends with them for that long too.
As we stood there drinking another couple, friend of ours came over after midnight and asked what all the fun was about and why they weren’t invited and I told them I left a message on their phones to come over and she checked hers and felt like a fool after that, but after a few glasses she lightened up.
They are Maria and Dave, they live over two streets and Dave is a good buddy that’s helped me out a few times on some jobs I’ve had in the past. He’s an electrical man.
Terry is about 5’7” and Jack is 6’1” they are the closest to our age and Terry I’ve always had this fantasy of fucking her and or at least seeing her nude seeing what those 36c tits look like for real and yes, I’ve looked at her bras. Ok, so it’s not the proper thing to do but I was house sitting and saw one on the counter in the bathroom, I’m thinking she was teasing me and we made fun of it for a long time after that but she would only smile sheepishly and say oh no, I must have forgotten to put it into the laundry basket.
Maria and Dave are younger by 10 years or less, she’s a little cutie with Latin blood and her tits are nice but her ass is killer and Dave has told me that she loves having it fucked, she prefers it more than pussy fucking he says.
Well as they settled in and as I saw Maria was catching up fast with the ladies and Dave loved the wine too we guys were talking about what else football and we all noticed that the ladies were all pushing their tits up and giggling, like they were checking each other’s tits out or something.
This went on for maybe ten minutes or better and it got my curiosity up so I went over to them.
I asked was there something wrong? And they giggled saying well yes in fact there was as Terry said.
We have been wondering what you guys see in our tits, I mean they are basically the same but for the size and you can’t do anything with them but suck on them and make us fucking hot, so why do you guys love looking at them so much?
I busted out laughing saying sorry, really, but it’s the same for us, why do you ladies move looking at our crotches, its human nature to check out the other person’s package, especially if they are of the opposite sex.
They all said yeah right, like that’s a bunch of crap.
Maria said so, mine are somewhat medium sized as are the others well except for Michelle’s, she’s fucking huge and Michelle lifted hers up and yelled hell yes and they all laughed.
Maria said so, besides your wife’s tits, who’s do you like now?
I smiled knowing full well where I was hoping this was going to go.
I said well I’m not sure, I can’t tell with this lighting and with your tops on.
The ladies all said yeah right, like we’re going to pull off our tops so you guys can see our tits.
I said you guys brought it up, not me, I was just giving you want you wanted to know, do with it what you want and I turned to go back and Maria said wait a minute, you’re going to leave us without knowing?
I turned saying well if you aren’t willing to show me, why worry about it.
And I turned away again hoping they were drunk enough to comply with my wishes.
They were, Maria said hey, wait a minute and she grabbed the ladies and they made a huddle and giggled a bunch and finally they broke and Terry said well here then and they all including Michelle who was probably the one that started the stripping thing even took off her shirt and some had bra’s on and wow, they all stood there by the firs topless and all the guys came over and was checking them all out.
It wasn’t long before it was all touchy feely and the women were loving the attention, it must be something in the wine because I’ve noticed over the years that all women get really horny over wine.
It was Maria that came out and said so, whose tits do you guys like the best and all agreed but me of course I couldn’t vote for my wife’s 40d tits but I loved them all and the ladies all yelled and said sure, the big tits always win and that’s when Jack said well it’s the same with you ladies and our cocks, you all love the big ones even if you don’t say it out loud now right?
That’s when the girls all got serious and looking at one another then started giggling saying well it’s true and Michelle said well Mike, let’s see them as she looked at all us guys.
We laughed, sit our glasses down and unbuckling our pants and then we all looked at each other and counted, one, two and on three we dropped our pants and our underwear letting the ladies all see our cocks.
There was some a lot of gasps and damns as they looked us over.
Jack said well I’m getting out of these jeans if we’re going to stay this way and I suggested we take this party indoors but they all wanted to stay at the fireside, so, there we are. All of us, the ladies topless and the guys all bottomless and that’s when Gab suggested that we all just strip down and end the rest of the curiosity and they ladies took off their pants and we took off our shirts.
As we all looked at each other, none of the ladies had hair on their pussies, but we guys already knew that, we talked about that in our little group.
Jackie was fixated on my cock so I went up to her, smiled and taking her hand, I lifted my shaft up and placed it into her hand, she smiled saying nothing but groping it and feeling it.
Maria said my turn and she came over and the two ladies were stroking me and Maria even knelt down and started sucking and licking me and that got the party really going.
A few of the guys were playing with Michelle’s tits and the others were feeling and playing with others than their own spouses.
As Maria sucked on me I got a raging hard on and when Jackie and Terry saw the finally package they both had a mini orgasm and I just stood there enjoying Maria’s lips and mouth on me getting really, really close to blowing a load into it soon.
I looked over and Jack was now feeling Michelle’s pussy and Gab had a tit in his mouth, she was in heaven and so was I.
I groaned, Maria sucked faster and I moaned again that I was cumming and when I started she took the first pulse and Terry took one and Jackie took the other, it was heaven in the finest.
I saw Dave getting ready to fuck Michelle as Jack was getting up to do something, she was guiding him home and that’s when I knew I was going to fuck not only Jackie tonight but Terry too.
I looked at Terry, she had that I want that cock look in her eyes as did Jackie and Maria, so I pushed Terry back onto a table, spread her legs and plunged my shaft deep into her, she moaned as the almost 10” cock disappeared into her cunt, she yelped a few times to slow down and when I did she settled in and I fucked her good and hard.
I then looked at Maria and Jackie and they got up on the table beside us and as I pulled out of Terry’s cunt I punched Maria’s and she took me pretty well.
I fucked her for a while and then moved to Jackie’s and looking over at Terry, Gab had already taken my place and Jack was lining up on Maria’s pussy.
Michelle came over and started playing with Jackie’s tits and they were kissing and sucking faces and that made me so fucking hot that I blew my load into her as she groaned oh my god yes and I kept pumping my hot goo into her pussy.
As I pulled out Michelle went down on her and I put my cock into her mouth as she sucked on my slippery lollipop.
When it was rigid again I wanted Terry’s cunt more and Gab was smiling and pulling out of her.
I pushed back into her and she smiled saying I was hoping you were going to finish the job and I fucked her for a good bit before cumming inside her already creamy cunt.
I was looking for Maria, I wanted her ass and I found her over at the other side of the party being fucked in her ass by Gab, I smiled and came up behind Michelle and took her ass instead knowing full well she likes it back there too.
That night we all were having a great time and now there isn’t any barriers between us, we did however put a not to serious dent into the barrel but I assured them all that it was open anytime they wanted some and bring a bottle to fill please and they all said they would after staying and having another little party like this one.
None of us guys had any cum left in our balls, we were all drained and it was a fabulous time drinking and fucking each other, even the ladies said it was a good time just as long as the clothes were no longer a requirement for these parties from now on, we all agreed to that idea.