John finds his pleasure

This is my first real story, it draws off personal experience and imagination, hopefully you like it

John is a 18 year old high schooler who lives in a big city but cant help but be alone a lot of his time. Its gotten to a point in his life where the seclusion seems to comfort him. aside from after school sports he spends most of his free time alone in his room playing games and watching youtube videos. his parents are rarely home as they seem to find more importance elsewhere than their own son, so he’s left on his own most of the time.

John likes being naked and once at home he rarely wears more than a pair of shorts(if that at all) but lately he has been feeling an empty feeling, walking around his room in the buff just isn’t what it used to be. He thought of things to do to fill that gap like keeping his door unlocked so his parents might walk in on him, not that he wanted his mom to see him naked, he just wanted a rush. he even started going on webcam chat sites and stripping for whoever would stay to watch. in the end nothing really made him feel that feeling that he wanted.

One night while his parents were gone for the weekend at a friends wedding, john decided that he was gonna walk around in his backyard and strip down in the cool air. around 10:30 PM John walked out his back door, the sun had set a number of hours prior and he knew the neighborhood was all inside or otherwise occupied. He took a deep breath and took of his shirt, he tossed it on the ground and started walking around the cool night air on his slim body. John was an athlete so he had a toned body but he was lanky and a bit awkward looking, his long legs seemed just a bit to long for his otherwise proportioned body. He walked around his half acre background with just his shorts on and built up the confidence that he needed to drop his shorts.

around 11:00 John finally got the confidence he needed and dropped his shorts and kicked them next to his shirt. Now john was not the biggest guy in the world and in fact he struggled with his size for sometime. standing at 5’11 and just under 150 pounds he always wanted to be bigger than he was but as he grew more mature he had come to grips with the fact that he was who he was and 7 inches was a perfectly good size for a young adult his age. his shorts off John finally started around his yard hoping a feeling would come up. after almost 2 hours walking around and playing with himself John decided that he had enough and headed back inside.

he sat down on the couch and looked around his living room, still naked as he left his clothes lying on the ground outside. he looked at the clock and it read 1:15 he looked around and thought to himself “how many people are going to be awake right now?” he stood back up and went back outside to the yard, feeling a little bit more adventerous after seeing the time he walked quietly over to his side yard snd up to the gate that lead out front. he got up on his toes and looked over the 6 foot front gate. dead silence, the flicker of the streetlights above barley lit the streets, the sounds of the night taking over the scene in front of john.

looking out over the gate he waited 5 then 10 then 15 minutes….nothing, no sound other than the occasional animal, or wind blowing through the trees, silence. The houses in the neighborhood darkened aside from one or two lights behind the closed blinds. with the coast seemingly clear john stepped back from the gate and unlocked it. he slowly opened it and stuck his head out. “am i really going to do this?” Johns heart sped up as he opened the gate and let it swing all the way open. he stood there exposing himself to the quiet suburban neighborhood.

John stepped forward, his feet almost seeming to walk without his mind telling them what to do. he walked out into the middle of the driveway and stopped, he looked around hoping no one comes out or drives by when all of a sudden he hears an engine. His eyes dart to the noise he sees a car with its lights on and exhaust coming out of the tail pipe. In an instant he scattered hoping that he wasn’t seen. not thinking about how close he was to the house he jumped in a bush and tried to stay as quiet as possible.

five minutes pass and John assumes that it is safe to come out, as he pulls himself out of the bushes he looks around to see if the coast is clear and just as he turns around he hears a voice, he’s heard this voice before so he knew that it wasn’t an adult or a stranger who had caught him. “what the hell are you doing man?, why in the world are you naked outside your damn house?” as john turns around there stands a neighborhood kid, “oh hey uh Gabriel is it?”. “yeah thats the name but you can call me Gabe, now any reason your in the bushes butt ass naked?” John looks at the ground obviously embarrassed he answers with a quiet “I’m not really sure”. John starts to walk back to the gate and his side yard and Gabe follows behind. John snaps “is there a reason your following me?” “no not really I’m just interested in what happens next” “oh and just so you know I’m not gonna call you out for this, you like what you like and i can respect that” “you can?” John looks up at Gabe still butt naked his cock dangling down not covered by even his hand. “dude your fine, you can stay naked I’m not grossed out, but mind if i hang out? i don’t really wanna be at home right now” “uh yeah” John responds “my parents are gone for the week anyway”.

John relaxes a little, as he thinks Gabe is pretty cool. “are you sure you don’t want me to put back on my cloths?” John can’t help but feel a small rush at another boy seeing his naked body. he thinks to himself if its wrong that he’s enjoying this and hopes that Gabe tells him to stay nude. “dude your fine, you have a nice body it would be a shame to see you put back on your cloths” “in fact would you care if i got naked too? its kind of a fantasy of mine to be naked in public” John responds trying to hide his happy emotions…”sure yeah i mean do what you wanna do man its a free country”. Gabe takes the yes and starts removing his clothes, he turns around and slides of his boxers almost in a shy manner as John looks on. Gabe drops his boxers to the ground as John sees his cock dangling down through the gap between his thighs.

Gabe turns around as his huge 9.5 inch cock sways with the motion of his slender body. “woah dude uh sorry to stare but jesus that thing is big” Gabe looks down at his naked cock and smiles, “thanks I uh don’t think your too bad yourself” “well hey i said i wanted to go out in public if you wanna come with me id be a little more comfortable” John stands up and starts twards the gate “well come on then” John says with a grin.

The two boys start walking outside occasionally looking at each other and always checking their surroundings for any unwanted guests. they continue along the sidewalk when they come up to a park, John grew up here so he knows and remembers the road he learned to ride his bike and the first swings he was ever on. he walks out to the field and calls over Gabe. “Hey how about we make this interesting” Gabe replies “what do you mean? like a game?”. “sure how about hmmm ding dong ditch but, but you have to stay as long as possible and the one who stays the longest wins” “okay” Gabe replies with a smile, “but the loser should have to do something….how about the loser must jerk off for the winner?” John looks up with a smile” deal”

The two walk around and look at houses to ding dong ditch, they find a house that has multiple lights on so the possibility of getting caught is just that much grater. they walk up to the front porch of the house and they look at each other and ring the doorbell. seconds feel like hours as the two try to out last one another. all of a sudden the door lock starts to make a sound and in an instant both of the boys take off back to the cover of the park. out of breath they laugh and jump around as they were almost seconds from being caught. “hey wait…who won?” John asks. “oh dang i don’t know i think we honestly bolted at the same time”. “well I mean we could just both do the punishment” Gabe looks around “alright i can deal with that” “well lets see that cock get hard boy”

John takes his cock in his hands and starts to stroke it. he quickly gets harder and the small amount of precum that comes out he uses as lube while he stands there in front of his new friend. “well gonna join me or what?” Gabe stands up and starts to stroke his much bigger cock as it grows to its full length. John stares at the growing cock in front of him. all of a sudden John reaches out and grabs hold of Gabes cock, Gabe jumps back a little but quickly starts to like the situation. Gabe takes hold of Johns cock and starts to stroke, the two boys butt naked stroking each others cocks.

“How about we make this even more fun huh?” John gets on the playground and lays on his back. “well come on let me have it” Gabe walks over and pulls John close to him. he pulls Johns thighs in the air and pushes his rock hard cock inside Johns tight asshole. John winces but lets Gabes huge cock thrust in and out of him. The two boys spend all night with each other and as the sun starts to come up they race home and fall asleep on the couch. John finally found something that made his heart race and back to how he used to be.