In regards to The Girl Next Door

Just a quick update

First and foremost, I regret to inform you all that I will not be continuing “The Girl Next Door”. I’m very thankful for the feedback and support on the series thus far, but my schedule no longer allows me time for writing so I most likely won’t be posting anymore on this sight. Also, after part one of the story, if you could call it a story, I just got bored of writing it.

Secondly, I’ve also had a few messages about the minimum age on this site and apologize for the misunderstanding. Where I come from, the legal age of consent is 16, so I thought it was ok to write about 16 year olds.

Thirdly I’d like to address the little discrepancy in the first part where Logan introduces himself as Jack. I was working on a few other stories at the time and wasn’t thinking straight when I wrote that, which is embarrassing to say the least. If I do decide to post on here again, mistakes like that won’t happen and I will proof read my material thoroughly.

That’s all I needed to say, so here are a bunch of characters to fill in the 5000 character requirement: