I love my son Daniel chapter 3

Pre warning this story doesn’t envolve very much sex. Just consider it foreplay for chapter 4

Chapter 3

I awoke the next morning still naked from the night before with my beautiful son Daniel spooning me and his arm wrapped over my shoulder. I couldn’t help but to feel almost in love again. I knew that this of course would never last, after all I am his mother. I continued to lay there for a while before I felt Daniel shift around and stretch his muscles. “Morning Mom,” he said and reached over and gave me a peck on the lips.

“Good morning honey, how about we go downstairs and I’ll make us some breakfast.”

“Sounds good to me.” I rolled off the bed and started toward the kitchen. I was still a little sore from the day before, but looking back at it now it was well worth it. I didn’t bother putting any clothes on as I made breakfast. I figured what the hell nothing to hide anymore.

Daniel shortly came downstairs also still nude. He looked as if he were still half asleep; which after yesterday I am sure he is as sore and tired as I was. He came up behind me and gave me a big bear hug. I could feel his limp dick pressing into the small of my back. “Mom, I just want to say that last night was amazing, I still can’t believe that we actually did all that,” Daniel said.

“I know baby, I think it was amazing too. I haven’t felt like that in years.”

“Hey; what would you say to maybe going on a date tonight.”

“Really? You wouldn’t be embarrassed to go out with you mom.”

“Mom, I would love nothing more than to have you on my arm to show off to everyone.” This made me giggle at the very thought of my son taking me on a date. I hadn’t even been a real date in two or three years.

“In that case, I would love for you to take me out. What did you have in mind?”

“I don’t know a movie and diner maybe; just something simple.”

“That sounds wonderful baby.” I finished making breakfast and Daniel went upstairs to take a shower, as I finished the dishes I couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy about the events that occurred the night before. I decided then that I would have to talk with Daniel about the consequences if we ever got caught. “Of Course,” I thought to myself. “Who’s going to catch us, his father is gone and my friends don’t come over unannounced. Nevertheless I should say something.” So I walked upstairs to the bathroom and knocked on the door. “Come in,” he said. I walked in and he was standing in front of the mirror shaving with a beach towel wrapped around his waste.

“Honey I just need to say something about ‘us’. You understand that if anyone were to find out about us that we could both be in very serious trouble.”

“I know mom, don’t worry though I’m not going to tell anyone about last night.”

“Okay son just thought it needed said that’s all.” Daniel finished shaving and came over to me; I leaned in and gave me a kiss and told me; “Mom, I meant what I said last night, I love you and I wouldn’t jeopardize what we have made here.”

“I love you too Daniel.” I said and smiled at him. At that moment I realized that I was still naked. “I guess I should shower and get dressed too huh?”

“Well unless you want the neighbors to see you walking around naked,” he laughed.

“No I don’t think I would.” I waited for Daniel to finish up and jumped in the shower real quick. I finished with my shower and got dressed. When I came out of the bathroom I could see Daniel laying on his bed; so I invited myself in to join him. I walked over to his bed a laid down beside him. “Daniel, what is about me that you love the most.”

“Well for starters you have the best tits in this town.”

“Seriously now,” I said as I playfully slapped him on the shoulder.
“Well mom I love you because I have no secrets with you, I love the fact that you can look at me and make all my worries go away. If it wasn’t illegal, mom I would probably marry you.” I could feel the tears of joy come boiling out of my eyes the moment he said this. I never imagined that he felt this way about me.

“You don’t know how happy you just made me baby. I know that we can never actually get married but you are always welcome to treat as your lover and companion.” Daniel said nothing he just looked me straight in the eye and started to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him right back. Things quickly got heated as he let his hand fall down to my breasts, he would squeeze them and rub them. I began to unbutton the blouse that I had put on earlier. I continued to kiss him as I undid his belt and the button on his jeans. It wasn’t very long before we both were naked and in each others arms again. Daniel kissed me all over my body and licked and sucked on my nipples. He made his way down my stomach and began to give my clit small kisses. He would lick it and suck on it, he could tell it was turning me on because he looked up at me with his mouth full of my pussy and smiled at me. I grabbed his head and pulled up to me. I licked my juices from his face while he rubbed my screaming cunt. “Do you like the way I taste baby?” I asked.

“Ummm yeah I do mom. Do you like the way you taste?”

“I sure do honey.” And we kissed some more. I reached down and grabbed his hard member and slowly let it slid into my pussy. “Now take it easy baby, I’m still sore from last night.

“Ok mom.” He let himself go all the way into me. It was a nice slow pace. We were not fucking this time, we were making love. It was a very sensual moment; he would lightly run his free hand down my side sending chills down my body. He moved in and out of my wet pussy slowly letting me feel every inch of his amazing hardon.

“Oh baby, that feels so good,” I said as he made love to me.

“Does it mom?”

“Yes, it feels very good Daniel.”


“Yes baby.”

“I want you to turn over for me.”

“Mmmmm. Do you want to take mommy’s pussy from behind.”

“Yeah mom. Let me put my dick in from the back.” He withdrew his member and I turned over on my stomach raising my ass in the air as I did. He grabbed my waist and entered me; at first he was doing me very gently, he quickly moved to a much faster pace. He started hammering into my pussy harder and harder. The mood had changed; once again we were fucking as if the world was going to end.

“Ohhhh baby!” I moaned. The soreness was over taken by the powerful orgasm building inside my pussy. I could feel it working its way from deep inside me to bursting through my entire body. I knew I was about to cum. “Harder baby, fuck me harder.” He didn’t say a word he just dug his fingers into my side and ponded away at my pussy. “Baby, I’m going to cum; you making my cum baby!”

“I’m going to cum too Mom!” We both climaxed at the same time; he shot his warm cum deep inside me once again while I let my warm juices gush out of my pussy and soak his cock. When he pulled out I turned around and could see that my cum was running down his balls. I bent down a licked both of our juices off of his softening dick. He moaned as my tongue reached the slit in his dick head.

The rest of the day we spent doing our normal routine; I would clean the house, and Daniel stayed in his room playing video games and surfing the web. I thought all day about how good it felt to have man touching me again, and how happy it made me feel to have my son be that man. I knew it was strange, taboo, and even illegal, but none of that mattered to me; I was the happiest I had been in many years.

Seven o’clock came around and I was wearing a very sexy sun dress that I had bought at the beginning of summer but hadn’t had an opportunity to wear it yet. It was bright yellow and showed off I nice bit of my cleavage. Daniel came walking down the stairs looking very handsome; he was wearing a flannel dress shirt tucked into a pair of khaki pants. “Mom, you look amazing. I think you’re going to turn some heads tonight.”

“Why thank you very much baby.” I said smiling at him. He came up to me hugged me and gave me kiss being careful not to smear my lipstick. I could smell a very sweet scent coming off of Daniel’s neck; it was the unmistakable scent of Stetson Black; it was his favorite, and I quite enjoyed it myself.

“Shall we mom?” He said as he held out his arm for me.

“Ok baby.” I took his arm and he led the way to the car. We had a nice dinner at a restaurant called Wine and Dine. We talked about several things over dinner such as we usually did; I would talk about things I still wanted to do in my life, and he would talk about going to college and things like that. We left the restaurant around nine o’clock and headed to the theater. I couldn’t really tell you what we watched as it has been a few years since then; however, I can remember what happened during the movie.

I was engrossed in the film and I just happened to look over at Daniel; he was just staring at me, he took my hand and said; “Mom, have I told you that you look absolutely beautiful tonight.”

“Not in those exact words no.”

“Well you do mom, you really do” I leaned in and gave him a big kiss.

“Thank you baby. You look very handsome as well.” He smiled at me and leaned in for another kiss. As he started kissing me I felt his hand run up my leg and straight to my wet panties. He rubbed my pussy through my panties for a while before he moved them aside and slipped two fingers into my wet velvet. It felt so good I could barely stand it. “Mmmmmmmm.” was all I could get to come out of mouth. He kept running his fingers in and out of me, and just as I was about to cum he pulled out and said; “Not yet Mom, we’re going to save that for later.

“Oh really?” I playfully said. We watched the rest of the movie without doing anything else but kiss each other. I couldn’t wait to see what waited for me when we got home.